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I wanted nothing more than be okay.

IT WAS 5 AM IN THE MORNING WHEN THE KNOCKING STARTED. It startled Elizabeth, who was trying to get more than 5 hours of sleep during the night. She got up, grabbing the hello kitty baseball, (given to her as a joke for but she kept it.), and moved towards her front door. She quietly looked through the peep-hole and grew angry when she saw who was at the door. She threw the bat down, and opened the door.

" Hey, Liza, how's it doing ? "

It was none other than Nate Heywood, a former colleague of her's, standing at her door and interrupting her sleep.Elizabeth yells out in frustration, tired and more willing to throw Nate down her apartment stairs.

" What's in god's name are you smoking that thought it was okay ? "

He pushed past her, hands full of paperwork and books and the sight of it made Elizabeth even more angry.

" No ! Whatever you want to do, can be done at a later time ! "

He places the stuff of her coffee table and moves in front of her, placing his hands of her shoulders.

"Listen, I know it's early, and I know that you're tired. But I need to listen. "

She crosses her arms over her chest and taps her foot. " I'm waiting. "

Nate tells her that her theory was right, history was changing and that he finally had proof. He goes on to show her pictures, pictures of people that she had seen before, scattered throughout time.

He talks a mile a minute, trying to get her to see that's right.

Elizabeth had moved from standing to sitting on the small couch, sifting through one of the books.

" Okay, I'm right, but it still doesn't explain why you're here this early in the morning. "

" I need your help convincing Mayor Queen that his friends and the legends are missing. "

Elizabeth looks at him in shock, confused on why he needed her help.

" Excuse me, What ? I'm not doing that. "

He stands up, running his hands through his hair in frustration. " Come on please, I can't convince him alone. It won't work. "

" No Nate, You don't need help. Just use your charm. "

" Charm won't work, and plus I didn't make an appointment . "

"How do you plan on getting in then ? "

He just smiles at her, using puppy dog eyes to get her to say yes.

" Fine, " she says as she gets up, moving towards the bathroom , " Don't say that i don't do favors for you. Oh and make coffee ! "


Running in heels is not how Elizabeth thought she was going to spend her morning.

After talking with Nate, Elizabeth had gotten dressed, wearing a nude long sleeve bodysuit, a skirt, black tights and heels . She made the effort to add matching jewelry and do her makeup, wearing a pink lipstick to pull everything off.

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