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Sometimes, life has it's way of changing us. What we do with it however, it entirely up to you.


Elizabeth had yet to say anything about what was going on with her

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Elizabeth had yet to say anything about what was going on with her. She racked her brain, trying to find any connection what's going on with her to anything she had ever read in a textbook before. Nothing came up, and she feared what was going on with her was getring worse.

But, she brushed it off when the team received a beacon sent from a what they thought was a time pirate.

The time pirate had landed in Mississippi, 1863, during the height of the American Civil War.

It was yet again not a surprise when Sara asked her to stay with Ray, back on the ship.

Elizabeth complied, knowing that she had no special powers and no kick ass abilities, (that she actually knew about.)

She watched from the bridge as the team left the ship, Ray happily chattered in everyone's ears. It was starting to annoy Elizabeth, knowing very well that the rest of the team may be annoyed as well.

So she did what any person would do in this situation, she smacked Ray upside the head, telling him to be quiet or else. She also heard Sara's comm turn off, but not before a laugh from the team resonated between them.

She watched from the table as the group made their way to the site of the ship, knowing that they'll deal with it. Also turning off her comm, she turned to Ray, who had unhappy expression on his face.

" Why did you do that ? "

" Do what exactly, " Elizabeth replied, knowing damn well what she did.

He ignores her for a few minutes, but turns back around with that same happy expression from earlier.

" We know everything about Nate, but we know jack diddly squat about you. "

" So what did you want to know- , " Elizabeth is cut off the feeling of something dripping from her nose. She wipes it away and fear becomes eteched on both faces as it turns out to be blood.

Time seems to stop as Ray rushes forward to catch her as she falls, blood still dripping from her nose. She doesn't notice him calling her name or her eyes closing.

Flashes of a fight are running like clips from behind her eyes, clear as day to Elizabeth. She sees confederate soldiers attacking the team and sees a pair of black eyes and a bloodshot face staring back at her.

As soon as it starts it ends, she's waking up in one of the chairs that she was put in by Ray. He sees that she's awake and begins to fuss over her, despite her protests of her being fine.

He tells her what just happened was not okay and that she go see Gideon or at the very least tell Sara about it.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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