The signs as pet peeves

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Aries ♈️: when people say things were awkward when they were not awkward

Taurus ♉️: slow walkers

Gemini ♊️: wobbly tables

Cancer ♋️: people not turning off the volume of their keyboard when texting

Leo ♌️: people who ask questions during movies

Virgo ♍️: movies with loud music and quiet dialogue

Libra ♎️: writing "FIRST" in the comment section

Scorpio ♏️: people who wait in line to order food, then don't know what they want when they are ready to order

Sagittarius ♐️: saying "liberry "instead of "library"

Capricorn ♑️: unnecessarily shortened words

Aquarius ♒️:when someone says literally and does not literally mean it

Pisces ♓️: forms without enough space to answer

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