When the signs bake/cook

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Aries♈️: nearly burns down the entire kitchen

Taurus♉️: an actual master chef

Gemini♊️: they try so hard to make it perfect but eventually screw some important detail up so they give up

Cancer♋️: tries super hard but ends up ruining everything

Leo♌️: can even cook an egg

Virgo♍️: at least they don't burn the house down

Libra♎️: they are so talented they can burn water

Scorpio♏️: surprisingly very good????

Sagittarius ♐️: thinks they're amazing but really it's only toast and microwave meals

Capricorn♑️: best salad chef ever

Aquarius♒️: can literally make whatever they want

Pisces♓️: ends up injuring themselves

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