Day one

24 1 0

As she lay in the solemn darkness of the night she exhaled deeply to try calm the pooling of her eyes. As she kept inhaling and exhaling she felt that with every exhale she became more and more numb, as if she was exhaling her emotions. She felt the last tear drop drip onto her already tear soaked pillow. She didn't need to take deep breathes anymore.

She was laying still but her mind was running marathons. Her racing mind was the only reminder that she was still alive. Her heart turned to a winter so cold that she was certain that it would protect her. Heart? Off Mind? On.

With dry scratchy eyes she turned to see the clock resting on her bedside table. 2:35am. She frowned. She needed sleep but the sweet serenade that sleep was did not come. Another sleepless night. She's either kept awake by her crying or her overthinking and tonight was the latter.

She stretched out her arm to switch on the homely lamp on the bedside table and grabbed her dream journal which she also kept on her bedside table, so she could use her dreams as inspiration for her next piece. She paged through the pages, and wasn't surprised to see that most of the recent ones were nightmares. Subconscious fears.

Confessions of a healing heart Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz