Day five

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She didn't remember falling asleep yet alone arriving home and emptying an entire tub of ice cream. Typical. As the waves of nausea she chastised herself for falling back into this hole.

As she stepped into the steaming shower the tears began to fall according to their own accord. She let them fall. Each tear represented a heart stabbing memory and as the tears disappeared down the drain the memories went with them. She became all too familiar with the feeling of being numb.

She sat on her bed in her towel and stared at a wall for hours. No tears, no memories, nothing. She was thinking of what's next. Does she run away again? How did he  even get here? Was he also running away from his demons?

She sighed and got dressed. She strode out to her car and drove straight for the Springside mall. She was tired of trying to drown demons that could already swim.

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