Day four

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At precisely 11:45 am she began the vast journey to the Springside mall. It's going to be okay, she assured herself.

She found a parking conveniently close to the entrance and smiled. Maybe the stars were in her favour. She took her beige black and white purse with her as she entered and heading for the book store, her home away from home.

A few strides in and the stars turned against her and she saw him. Everything she had been trying to build over the past few days crumbled within seconds. As their eyes met his widened with shock and he stopped dead in his tracks. She turned around and almost sprinted to her cars with tears threatening to fall.

Breathe in, breathe out. She recited this as a mantra to herself. Don't cry. Deep breaths. Stay strong. Look at how far you've come. She tried to persuade herself but her brain kept overplaying those dreadful memories of the past, how she got her scars and became the shell of a person she once was. How she fell into a writers block and depression. How nightmares began to torment her.

She remembered the past and saw the remnants of the life she once had in his eyes.

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