Day two

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She slowly lulled out of the deep hold of sleep and opened her eyes. Birds chirped blissfully in the tree by her favourite reading spot, the windowsill. She could sit there for hours and lose herself in the worlds of fiction crafted beautifully and delicately by her favourite authors.

She decided today was time for a new start, she owed it to herself. So she got out of bed, and swapped her usual black morning coffee with a cleansing glass of green tea. It's the small things that count too, she thought to herself and shrugged. The tea was soft on her palette and she already felt like a newer person.

She went to her room and in the depths of her cardboard she found her old yoga equipment. She sighed, her body already craving the energy coffee usually provided and decided to put her yoga mat and dvds somewhere more reachable. Tomorrow's battle.

She looked at her apartment and thought of all the change that she wanted to happen, but the biggest change she could do was swop her coffee for green tea.

Confessions of a healing heart حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن