Part 1- A Journey That Has YET, to be Foretold!

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Kaylas POV

Dear Dairy, there's something I need to tell you... Oh who am I kidding?! I'm going to get right into it! I hate my brother, wait no delete that! I hate him with a burning passion! Okay,okay.. I know that family is supposed to be important and that were all supposed to love each other and what not but honestly, when you find out that you're mom abandoned you and that you're dad just mysteriously disappeared...well, you need someone to trust, someone to rely on and sadly, my brother is definitely not, that guy! There's just way too many reasons on why I hate him but the worst part of all, is that when I do hate him, It feels like I'm kind of hating a part of myself too because after-all, we are twins..

"Yo, Kayla! What the heck are you doing?" says my brother, while bursting through the door. He can see that I'm trying to hide my diary, which makes him even more suspicious.. To get him off my back, I have to say I say:

"Bro what the frick frack snick snack patty wack dittily dat crock pot slap quarter back cracker jack bio feed back pack track thumb tack side track tic tac do you think you're doing?" I yell in hopes of freaking him out. "STOP! GET OUT OF MY ROOM AND GET SOME HELP PLEASE!" I shout, and he finally gets the idea. "Sorry" He said dragging out the 'R'. "I was just letting you know that there are people at the door looking for you, they look like high schoolers." He added. "Also you might want to find another hiding spot for your diary...I mean who knows, someone could just make there way into their room and read it" He shrugged. That was the last thing he said before he left the room. Now do you see why I hate him. We're supposed to look out for each other, but instead he tortures me. I wish my dad was still here. Till' this day I still refuse to believe that my dad left us on purpose.

After he left us, my dads sister decided to take us before we were out into foster care. She's the only family we have left. The extended family wanted nothing to do with us, because of the fact that my dad married a drug addict and had children with her. I think they also hate the fact that she has a set of twin boys and an older daughter with another guy. They're older than Luke and I. We've met them...several times. Luke and I have actually built a relationship with them. We haven't talked to them in years now...well ever since our dad left. I bet that's where out mom is, with her favourite children. The sad thing is, we've never even talked to them. "KAYLA THEY'RE WAITING!" My idiotic brother shouted, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I went downstairs and saw three older people standing before me...

Issac, Hunter and April. Great. I curse under my breath and then say; "Whats up guys?"

"Is that really anyway to talk to you're best friends, Kayla?" says Grayson hinting at Luke to leave but he doesn't get the message. Now normally, I wouldn't care about my brother but even I, would wish that he would leave.. for his safety...not that I care or anything..

My brother just walks closer to the door and takes a closer look at the three of them; Just because they actually decided to dress properly, maybe they actually will be able to fool my brother. April was in a baggy sweater and blue jeans, not her usual style and Hunter and Issac, actually looked like they weren't homeless people. I was surprised, so surprised that when I saw them standing at our door way, I almost hesitated to let them in.

"Yeah, but the thing is." Luke turns to me, "You don't have any friends."

"LUKE HONEST TO GA-" I wanted to punch him so badly but April stopped me, just before I could do anything. This is the type of person my brother is, he takes any moment he can to just completely embarrass me. I'm already so low in our social chain at school, that I didn't think there was any chance that I could get any lower but my brother always finds new ways. That's why, when I get the chance, I'm going to hurt him so badly, just like he once hurt me when we were kids.

"Is that anyway to talk to you're sister?" asks Issac, trying to defend me.

"First of all, don't talk to me about how I treat my sister! You don't even know our relationship and can you not start a sentence without using the word 'is'?" challenged Luke

"LUKE! Maybe you should listen to them. I mean you do treat me like absolute crap!" I shout. "Can you please just leave for one second and stay out of my business" I try to say calmly. Deep down I care about my brother I know I do, which is why I'm trying to keep him out of this. There are things that Luke and our aunt Carla don't know about me, these happen to be the things that ruin other peoples lives.

There is no way I would be able to tell my brother these things because he can't get dragged into this. I made the mistake of doing something I wasn't supposed to. It ended up ruining my life. Normal sixteen year-old girls are normally out going to parties every Friday Getting high having boy-friends, and letting their grades drop. Me? I personally think I'm worse. Where do you think those girls get those drugs from? Me. April, Hunter, and Issac have been blackmailing me into selling drugs for them. I wouldn't do it if their wasn't a reason. They said they would tell my brother about something horrible I did last year. I don't even want to get into it. I know that my aunt nor my brother would ever talk to me again because of how much pain and disappointment I would cause them. They're all I have left, I can't let that happen.

"Did you miss us Kayla?" Issac said with a evil smirk that made me want to slap him. "No" I mumbled. I didn't want them to hear me, I'm afraid of them. "What?" Issac said standing up while raising his voice. In the corner of my eye I saw Luke walk up and stand in front of me. Blocking Issac from me.

"Look Luke, just.. stay out of this! Leave me and my friends alone!" I say defeated. No matter what, I couldn't drag my brother into this, at least not yet.. I mean not ever! What am I even saying?

"Why do I have the sinking suspicion that these people aren't you're friends?" He says while looking Issac up and down and all around. He was looking at him as if he was supposed to find something. Technically, it's not my fault that they've decided to be careless and come right up to my door but I guess if they've decided to do something like this, something bad must be going on.

I could tell that by Hunters facial expression, he was starting to feel a bit stressed. Normally when this would happen, him and April would exchange quick glances and then Hunter would reach for something in his back pocket and that- "Listen." I say while trying to push Luke out of the way. "Look, like I said before, these people are my friends! I mean come on, would I really lie to you?"

At this point, Hunter looked a little more relaxed but he still had his arm around his back pocket, Issac still was calm and collected and April, looked like she was losing her patience. She kept glancing down at her watch, and looking me dead in the eyes. I knew that if I didn't get my brother out of here quick, there were gonna be some problems and I already have enough of them, as it is.

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