Part 2- All Around Luke..

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Kaylas POV

Luke finally left Isaac, Hunter, and April alone downstairs. I decided that we should talk outside so Luke wouldn't hear us. I already know that I'm gonna be interrogated when I go back inside. My brother can never mind his own business. What I'm worried about most right now, is finding out why these idiots decided to show up at my house.

"What do you think your doing coming over to my house. Are you dumb?" I whisper yelled.  Hunter then starts walking towards me until my back hits the door. I feel the door knob jab into my side. I held in my screams so that Luke wouldn't try to interfere again.

"Who told you that you could talk to us like that?" Hunter said getting all intimidating.

"Enough, Hunter" April said trying to calm down the situation. She has the boys wrapped around her finger. Shes the leader.

"On to the reason why we're here..." she pauses. "We need you to sell some product to a very important buyer"
I then proceeded to get very worried.

"Can you please explain to me, why the heck we haven't killed her yet?? I mean guys, she already knows way to much and how do we know that she hasn't already told someone about us yet??" Said Issac, being paranoid as usual. Out of all of them, I'd say he's the least threatening. I mean he always says things but we all know that when it comes down to it, he'll never actually do it.

April just shot Issac a glare, which made him shut up. At times like this, I'm glad that Isaac is here because he always somehow calms the atmosphere. "Anyways like I was saying, is that you need to "ship" product to one of our most important buyers, now!"

I just stared at her with two expressions, one saying "Are you dumb?" And the other saying "I'm confused". Usually when I have to sell, they give me at least a notice two hours in advance! If I leave now so suddenly, my brother will defiantly think something's up.

"Ugh." I say while face palming, Why can't my brother be like any other normal teenager and go hang out with his friends! I mean it's Friday for goodness sake, what are you doing at home!

"Can I at least know who the buyer is?" I question. " you'll find out when you get there." April said leaving me confused. "You might want to leave now so you can make it there by morning!" Hunter shouted.

"What do you mean 'by morning'? How far is it?" I ask.

"'s in New Jersey." Issac said as they got into their car and speeded off before I could say anything.

Are they kidding me? I'm in New York and New Jersey is 4 hours away. 4 HOURS. My aunt will kill me by the time I come back. I hate to admit it but...Luke is gonna have to cover for me

I'm not gonna tell him where I'm going though, I'll tell him I'm going to stay at a friends house...he's probably not going to believe that but I'll just have to sell it.

My heart was pounding so hard when I closed the door behind me that I didn't realize that my brother was standing in the foyer, waiting for me. He didn't look impressed and something tells me that no matter what I'd say, he wouldn't believe me anyways! But then again why am I stressing? If I left, would he even notice, or even care?

"So. " started Luke as he was crossing his arms. "Who we're you talking to?"

"Like I said so many times before, they are my friends! And honestly I would appreciate, if you would talk to my friends more nicely!" I say so nervous about what I'm about to say that I walk right past him. I was never really good at lying, always felt to guilty about it. So imagine me, having to lie to my brothers face about where I was going. For me, that was torture!

"Kayla I'm not done talking to you!" Luke said as he grabbed my arm. "The thing is Luke, I'm done talking to you." I replied. I could almost see the hurt forming in his eyes. "I'm not sleeping here tonight, I'm going to a friends house." I said whilst my back facing him. I didn't want him to see my face, if he did, he would've been able to tell that I was lying. I then tried to walk away again only to be pulled back, again, by my annoying brother.

"Kayla, why are you shutting me out...after all the crap we've been through we are pretty much all we have left, aunt Carla is always working to provide for us that we barley even see her." Luke started, I could definitely see the hurt in his eyes now.

"Why am I shutting you out? YOU'VE BEEN SHUTTING ME OUT EVER SINCE DAD LEFT?!" I screamed. I never meant for us to get into a fight. I just lost it when he accused me of shutting him out. For the past FIVE years, FIVE, he's shut me out. How dare him.

The level of tension in our house was hitting such a dangerous level, that I felt like the house was about to explode. I wanted to explode, my brother wanted to explode. We all just wanted all our problems to explode. Looking back, I didn't mean to go there. I didn't mean to go back, see when our mom left us, instead of talking about our feelings, we just shut them out. which ended up making us shut each other out in the process.

"I-..." My brother couldn't even talk. I could see his mouth moving but he was struggling to speak. This, this was the conversation that I have been waiting to have forever. I wanted to know why he shut me out all those years, I wanted to see if he even had feelings in that stone cold heart of his! I wanted an explanation, I wanted the truth but all I got was nothing. NOTHING! My brother couldn't even say anything, he was just staring at me.

"Stop STARING AT ME AND SAY SOMETHING!" I yell, annoyed that I didn't even get an answer. He could of at least tried! If he wasn't even going to participate in this conversation, than why am I even here? I turned my back away from him, not expecting him to respond.

"Kayla." Luke said, with an unsteady voice. "Look, I'm sorry... I was just hurting..." He starts with tears forming around his eyes. He tried everything to say this to me while looking at my face. He tried turning me, going around me, lifting my head but I didn't move, I couldn't. I couldn't take it anymore, I just can't. So to end this pointless conversation abruptly, I lowered my head, and said in the most painful voice I had;

"Well I'm hurting too." and then just walked right past him, not having any care in the world because apparently in this world, I didn't get the blessing of having a family.

I ran up to my room and slammed the door. I just needed to go. I packed an over night bag, just in case I decide to sleep in New York. Suddenly, I hear multiple knocks on my door.

"Kayla, please come out so we can talk about this." Luke says quietly. I could tell he was pressed up against the door in hopes I would answer.

He kept repeating my name and I was getting fed up. I knew he was gonna start asking questions about where I was going. Instead of answering him back, I finished packing my bag, made my way out my window, climbed down the tree beside my house and found Hunters car. I ran towards it and noticed that Luke had opened the front door and was screaming my name.

I looked back at him and waved. I then got into the car, and Hunter sped off. Leaving Luke in the driveway yelling for me to come back. Hunter looked at me and smirked all evil like.

This is gonna be a long four hours.

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