Part 5- Family Reunion...

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"Ethan?..." I start calmly.

"Kayla." He says copying me.




"Kayla!!!!!" He says and then tries to scoop me up from the ground to hug me.  He gives me a big bear hug, completely ignoring the fact that he just pointed a gun at my head two minutes ago. And like any other SANE person would do, I tried scrambling out of his hug.  I don't want to hug him after that! What is he thinking? I can't believe he'd actually try to point a gun at his own sister, just proves my point.. I really don't have any one to trust or rely on in this world.

"Why are you struggling?" Asks Ethan, completely confused as I try to get out of his hug. Does he not understand that he could've litter lay just killed me in that car? Does nobody care? Is my life really that meaningless, that people can just easily use it and throw it around? NO, Kayla NO! I can't let myself think like that, if god put me on this earth, there must be a reason. And until then, I'll just have to keep fighting for it until I find it!

After struggling for a while, I eventually am able to push Ethan's arms away. Even though Ethan did look a little hurt from me doing that, I didn't care! My main goal right now is to get the keys, which I dropped somewhere and drive as fast as I can out of here, change my name, maybe get plastic surgery too and-

"Why...? Why did you push my arms...away?" says Ethan as he walks closer to me, slowly. The more he takes a step towards me, by reflex, I take a step back. The way Ethan is acting kind of.. worries me. His..behavior, makes me feel anxious. Me and his relationship was never that good to begin with but even the last time that I saw him, we were actually getting along pretty well. In fact,  I think out of all his siblings, wasn't he the one that was the most successful? So what happened? Why is it that when I see Ethan now, he doesn't look like someone I know but instead, a stranger?

"Um, I pushed your arms away because YOU WERE JUST HOLDING A GUN TO MY HEAD?!" I shout. He jumps while I'm shouting at him

"Kayla, I'm sorry" His voice softens.

"What's up with this pattern of my brothers hurting me today?" I said annoyed.

"I'm surprised Grayson isn't here to hurt me either!" I said sarcastically.


"Kay, calm do-" Luke tries to say but I cut him off.

"oh be quiet, you're just as bad" I spat, instantly regretting it.

"That is not fair, I know I wasn't there for you but you weren't there for me either, so don't blame this on me" Luke said in a serious voice.

"Why was Ethan talking to you about drugs, Kayla?"

I stayed quiet. I did not want this to happen, ever. I didn't want Luke to find out that I sold drugs, because I knew it would ruin him.

"Drugs?.. Oh ya! Well you see, we were talking about drugs...because as you can see here, this guy on the floor has mental issues..."

"Which is why we needed to get drugs to help him!" I finish, kind of proud with the lie we both made up. To be honest, it did kind of make sense and technically we weren't lying because Ethan does have mental issues but we just shifted it do a different person! After that lie, I couldn't help but stop smiling because I knew that we'd just won a battle...victory!!! My lying skills have gotten better and my brother still gets to keep his life, a win win situation!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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