Part 3- The Adventures of Kayla and Hunter

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Hour One -Within the first hour-

Ever since I was a little girl, I always felt like the odd one out.. While other kids were playing with their barbies or toy cars, while I was more focused on other things like.....why is there more boys in the class but in a global status, it shows women live longer? If women live longer, than how come they're more boys in this world? They say curiosity killed the cat but what if it wasn't curiosity? Isn't it just a cover up that what killed the cat is just its own stupidity after all? Now when thinking of stuff like this, you're usually a lot more in you're head and don't really pay attention into whats in front of you! Which could also explain why I can't seem to have any friends, I just don't really give anyone enough attention which I guess gives people the message that I don't care, which is not true at all. So even though I April and her gang are blackmailing me, I can't help at times to be a little thankful, that I at least have some human interactions.

"So.." I say looking at Hunter, expecting some sort or response. Since I don't really get many opportunities to make friends or even be in a situation like this, I'm going to at least try to put some effort in this conversation. After all, I am going to be with him for the next...4..hours... I wait for a while but Hunter doesn't say anything and just keeps focusing on the road. He's acting as if there's no one in the car with him, which is kind of starting to annoy me, so I try again.

"So.." I say in a desperate attempt, to get some sort of answer.

"So.... what?"He finally says, 30 minutes later not even looking in my direction. Seeing people like this makes me think there's no hope for human kind but I got to remember that all humans aren't like this but again its hard, when you have no friends.

"So, how you're day been go"- Before I could continue, Hunter quickly cuts me off and with a rude tone says;

"Look. Just because I'm driving you to New Jersey doesn't mean you can talk to me."

"Oh, look at Mr.Tough-Guy over here, being all intimidating" I said using a baby voice to annoy him.

"Little Girl, if anything I could say the same about you." He spoke

"What do you mean?" I replied, in hopes of him not bringing my past up.

"Don't act dumb, don't you have to put up a tough act to hide your feelings about your parents leaving you?" He put that stupid smirk on his face again, while he kept his eyes on the road.

"Not to mention, you have no friends, your brother obviously doesn't care about you, and lastly you made a mistake so now, you're being black-mailed into selling drugs." He finishes off with a smile.

At this point, there were tears in my eyes. I don't understand how somebody could be that twisted as to bring up my past in such a horrific way.

I then proceeded to slap him across the face without hesitation:)

"WHAT THE HECK DUDE" Hunter said with such anger in his voice. He suddenly pulled over and pulled me out of the car. I was scared. I didn't know what was about to happen. I genuinely believed I was gonna die.

He brought me into the woods and just started threatening me.


I didn't know what to say so I just nodded my head. We then started walking back to the car but before we made it out of the woods, I picked up a heavy stick and knocked Hunter out.

There he lays, motionless, so idiotic for threatening my brother. I then take the keys from his pocket, and his phone. I ran to the car and drove off. Leaving Hunter in the middle of nowhere on a highway. I'm supposed to be sympathetic right? Yeah...well then call me cold-hearted, because I feel GREAT!

I'm now gonna enjoy my quiet ride to New Jersey. I wonder who the buyer is?

"Me too!" chimes a voice from the backseat.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" I say nearly jumping out of my seat and crashing into the car right in front of me. I was too scared to speak and too scared to notice that there was something touching the back of my head. If anything I would think it was a-

"Listen." said the voice in a soft calm tone. "This is what you're gonna do." I was about to turn around but whoever was in the back wouldn't let me turn around. "Like I said before, this, is what you're going to do. You're going to find the nearest exit and go back for my little friend that you left in the woods. Otherwise, I'll kill you right now!"

I couldn't say anything.... but just by guessing, what was pressing against my head is probably a gun right now. Great, how many times are people going to threaten to kill me today? Right now, I'm having such a adrenaline rush, that I kind of find it hard to believe that this person is just going to kill me right now.

"Oh really? So you'd risk killing me in the middle of the highway, where there's a bunch of people around. And I'm pretty sure, that there's bound to be a cop around." I knew, I'd already won this battle. There's no way that this guy would be stupid enoug- Just before I was about to finish my thoughts, I heard a loud gunshot coming from right behind me. I didn't feel any pain, so I knew I hadn't been shot but now there was a small hole in the car ceiling. The person from behind me leaned closer to my ear and said;

"Believe me now?"

"Drive" He paused

"NOW" He yelled causing me to jump.

I started driving back towards the forest. I was scared out of my mind. I could be dead in any second now. It was a mistake to knock Hunter out. How did this psychopath even get in the car?! Was he here the entire time? Was Hunter expecting me to do that? I have so many questions running in my mind. but my main focus was the fact that there was a GUN being held to my head.

Once we made it into the forest, the man pushed me down to the ground. I finally got a good look at his face. He looked really familiar.

I looked beside me and saw that Hunter was still knocked out. The guy is weaker than I thought.

"Why are you here, and who are you?" I asked with fear in my voice as he pointed the gun straight at me.

"I'm the buyer. The very important buyer." He replied with a smirk. WHAT'S UP WITH GUYS AND SMIRKING LIKE HONESTLY!

"Which means that by leaving Hunter in the forest, it would interfere with me getting these drugs" He added.

"Why do you look so familiar?" I question him. His expression completely changes.

"Ethan?" I somehow heard Luke's voice comes out of nowhere. Ethan? Where have I heard that name?

I must be hallucinating or something, because I KNOW THIS BOY DID NOT FOLLOW ME ALL THE WAY HERE IN HIS CAR?!

The name Ethan suddenly clicked in my head. I knew I've heard that name before

It was my brother...


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