『 Rules 』

367 11 76

a/n: this rp book is from like 2018 and i've decided to try and start it up again HAHAHA anyway time to revamp like all my ocs, hope you have fun ;)


Please follow each rule.  




i dont want this book to be taken down so nsfw will be taken into a time skip, spicy stuff like neck biting, kissing etc etc is a-okay though 👌
(if you want and your oc isn't like underage or anything, smut can be continue in pms 👍)




please don't interrupt other rps without permission lol, if you want to join in please ask the op of the thread first 😤




i don't tolerate discrimination of any kind that isn't directly story related. if someone starts harrassing someone because of factors like race, gender, sexuality etc they will not be allowed to rp here any longer.

also side note this is also not a space for anything political, i don't wish to spark any kind of debate surrounding current political events. it's just supposed to be harmless fun.

second password is your favorite emoticon/emoji etc


Roleplay Style


i'm fine with any type of style, though I would prefer 3rd person perspective please


Spam and Tagging


please don't like spam tag me lol. You can tag me every 2-5 hours I don't reply. You can add on responses to your original if I haven't replied if you really want to, just don't go over board




Please make a form for your oc before you start roleplaying.




swearing is totally allowed in this book, a lot of my ocs will swear. if you are not comfortable with swearing please tell me before we start rping :)




Say what's your favorite tv show/book/movie etc for the first password :)

Check through the rules for the second password ;0

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