"oh god, i don't think i ever grew out of my punk rock phase"

314 5 135

((TW: Mentions of abuse of alcohol, alcoholism and occasional blood.))

ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Dusk Astor

ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇs: N/A

ᴀɢᴇ: 27

ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: Male

ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ: Feburary 25



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sᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ: Closeted Bisexual

ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 5'10

ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ: Dusk seems like the most laid back guy ever, in reality he is always stressed and thinking about something. He's extremely harsh on himself and in turn makes himself extremely unmotivated and will end up doing nothing, then he beats himself up again for doing nothing it's an endless cycle. Sometimes though he will get a bout of inspiration and work on something for hours. Often he comes away unsatisfied, ever the perfectionist about his own work.

Nevertheless Dusk is a generally nice enough person, snarky at times and very often self-serving. He cares about his friends but always feels guilty about having them because he thinks that he isn't really worthy of their time. 

ʟɪᴋᴇs: Likes fruit flavored things, music and collecting items (pins, plants, patches etc). He also likes to create music (sometimes).

ᴅɪsʟɪᴋᴇs: Also kind of despises making music but he wouldn't give it up for the world.  Also hates superhero movies and hospitals.

ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: He works as junior manager in a smoothie bar called 'The Tap' and does online freelance work writing musical jingles.

ʙᴀᴄᴋɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ: He had a fairly normal childhood, his father left at a young age but that never really affected him. His teen years were when things got a little out of hand, his mother came back home with a new boyfriend and they fought every time they were together, throwing empty wine bottles everywhere and such. He learned to ignore them and go on with life, there wasn't much he could do anyway. But during this, his mother became a drug addict and earns money by being a prostitute.
Dusk left school for a bit after high school, but is now going back to college for a degree and maybe some purpose in life.

Other: Currently has a girlfriend that he mostly stays with out of obligation. He's kind of trying to find a way out of said relationship. He's also a functional alcoholic.

sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ 1

You and Dusk have been friends for a few years now, (how you met is up to you). You could perhaps even call each other best friends.

Recently thought you've been extremely concerned about him, he's been drinking more and looking more and more tired. You've tried to bring it up a couple of times but he always shuts it down. You decided to stop trying after a while. It didn't stop you from worrying though.

Today was supposed to be a normal enough day. You and Dusk texted each other a little, he seemed okay. Happy even. You were glad he sounded okay. You sent off a quick message to him asking if he wanted to hang out tomorrow before going to sleep.

Suddenly you were woken up by your doorbell in the middle of the night. A storm had brewed outside. Groggily, you got out of bed, cursing whoever was on the other side of the door at this hour. But to your surprise, when you opened it you saw Dusk standing there. He was drenched to the bone, clothes clinging to his skin. Needless to say, he looked miserable.

Giving you an awkward smile and a wave, he greeted you. "Um, hey. How do you feel about changing those plans to hang out to right now?" He tried to joke.


sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ 2

You and Dusk go to the same college. You didn't really know him, but you definitely knew of  him. He was in almost all of your classes, it never seemed like he was interested in any of them however.

Considering all of this, imagine your surprise when you find him in your dorm room. He'd broken in somehow, seemingly drunk out of his mind.


sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ 3

You have a room mate. His name is Dusk. You aren't really close with each other, only sharing the rent on a two bedroom unit to make your college lives a little easier. However it is unfortunate that you don't like Dusk all that much.

When you first moved in together, it was fine for about a week. Then after that it began to spiral. His laid-back cool guy attitude got on your nerves a little. Especially when it was used to put off chores with a casual 'I'll do it later'. You would always have to do them in the end.

It did not help that you've had to be on the receiving side of many of Dusks' all night benders at a club. He would come home at ungodly hours in the morning and make a ruckus while black out drunk, and no doubt come bother you as well.

At some point, you begin trying to look for other options, but you find that renting elsewhere would financially ruin you. And so you are stuck here with him.

You find a rhythm in life despite this setback and live a perfectly normal college life for the most part. You ignore Dusk as much as you can too so your day might not be ruined.

However your perspective on your roomie starts to change when you start hearing noises at night through the bedroom wall. It sounds distinctly like someone crying, in fact, you're sure it is. It starts happening more and more frequently during the night, but every single morning you wake up and see Dusk in the living room, there is no sign of any such thing. He goes about his business as usual, merely acknowledging you for a moment before going out to class.

It turns out that despite all your animosity towards him, you find yourself pitying him. Maybe even a little worried. You aren't heartless after all.

It seems that it is today that it all culminated in this very moment. Dusk arrives home one day, blood on his face, trickling from his nose and a busted up lip, you can see bruises forming on various places around his body. He looks at you, dazed, a little tired. A drop of blood from his chin drips onto the floor. He realizes this and curses. "Shit, sorry." He mutters.

"I'll just... go to the bathroom." He mutters, beginning to make his way towards the bathroom door.


sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ 4

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