"oh you watch anime? i'm so sorry for your loss"

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❝Yes, love is just like the ocean. So vast... and uh... watery...❞

❝Choco~ Choco~ My lovely-- Hey wait, how long have you been listening to me!?❞


"Erm ah, heh. Shiro. Hideyaki Shiro. Ah wait I forgot Americans say their names the opposite way."

"Ahh uh, call me Hide if you like." He gives you a sort of nervous smile.

"17, yes? Did I say that right?"

"Er, sorry? Pro...nouns?  Uhh... ohh I think I learnt this in English. He/him."

"Ohh, are you going to get me a present? Heheh, well in that case it is on December the 16th."

"Right... here?" He asks, looking sort of worried.

sᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ: "As in sex? Jeez, you westerners are so vulgar

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"As in sex? Jeez, you westerners are so vulgar." He shook his head, genuinely confused.

((Closeted Bisexual))

"Err it is 100 plus 60 centimeters. Wait hold on... 160, yes that's right."


"What?" He asks, dumbfounded."Like... what am I like? Hmm..." He appears to be deep in thought. "I think I am a cool guy. Yes very cool." He says with a sort of mischievous grin.

((Hideyaki is generally a pessimistic guy, always seeing the glass as half-full. Often thinks that people love seeing the worst in him and is constantly put down by this notion that he's put into his own head. Often he likes to cover this up with false bravado and an air of nonchalance. This kind of makes him come off as a mega loser though because the things he says are really lame. He pretends he is okay with people thinking of him like this but really he just really wants to be seen.))

 "Ahh! Yes, I love bears... they are so cute. I never see any bears in Japan. How sad..."

((Also likes chocolates and anime. Doesn't like to tell people that though))

"Anime, ugh. It's the same everytime I watch it. Ohh look at this cute girl with her huge boobs, ohh now she's shooting lasers out of her nipples. It is the same every time." He sighs, shaking his head. "I love my country but it is full of degenerates."

((Anime, no really. He both loves and hates it, it's a guilty pleasure for him. He also hates coffee.))

"Ahh well, that is a top secret heh." He seems to be waiting for a laugh or something but after recieving none he awkwardly clears his throat. "I'm a highschool student. Uhm, sometimes I work as a cash register in this store. I'm pretty sure it's pronounced 'whalemart'."

((Highschool student, works part time at a knock off Walmart called Whalmarte.))

"I moved to America at maybe... 10? 11 years old. Uh. That's all I remember."

((Hideyaki was born in Japan, then one day at the ripe age of 8 years old. His parents said "Let's move to America." For work or something, he went to school topping all his classes except english of course, but he eventually got the hang of it. It was all going great. That is until he started his last year of middle school. A sort of 'incident' happened and suddenly he fell from grace. He started to flunk his classes, and seemed less and less motivated to go to school. His parents becoming extremely angry with him. Soon enough, they gave up him. They basically neglected him and moved all their attention to his younger brother, only giving him allowance and supporting his school fees. This didn't bother him much since he had something else his mind was on. But one thing they always did was comparing him to his brother.))

(You can find out what this 'incident' was if you rp enough with him)

Requirements: If you wish to start a romance with him please age your oc to highschool level (16-19) thanks lol

sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ 1

It was a normal day in the cafeteria, students chatting loudly, the occasional food that drops on the floor. You were a fairly new student, you had a blank slate and you could do whatever you wanted. What was now important in cementing your place in this school however was choosing who to sit with. You'd be invited to sit with some people earlier, friendly enough they seemed. You grab your tray of food and looked around for them. While looking you couldn't help but notice this one kid, sitting all alone, he was looking around shiftily and the people around him gave him sneers. He looked back at them with weird smirk and let out a 'hmph'.

You'd heard about this kid, that he was really weird and that he seemed to be shunned by the entire school population. He seemed intriguing, as eccentric as he already seemed to be. Over to the side, the group of people who'd asked you to come sit with them called out to you.


sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ 2

You and Hideyaki had been friends since he came to America, perhaps even best friends. Despite the language barriers. You still remember how you met him, you walked up to him while it was play time and asked him if he wanted to play and he looked at you confused, but he understood as soon as you said the word 'play' again, like it was the only word he knew at the time. After your second year of middle school however you'd been separated and Hideyaki hadn't made any effort to contact you so you let it go. It would be many years later in your last year of highschool before you were reunited again.

As you walk toward your school building, you approached your locker, ready for the day ahead. That is when you hear someone cursing in what seemed to be Japanese, put on edge by this you look around for the source and find that Hideyaki had dropped a pile of books on his foot and was now on one leg, staring at his foot in pain, muttering curses under his breath. He hasn't seemed to notice you yet.


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