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I was sitting under a tree, wearing the usual long sleeve black shirt and dark blue jeans. They called me Skyler, who exactly? No one, not anymore. I sat uncomfortably. People keep giving me dirty looks and they walk past me quickly. I occasionally hear a comment or two about my appearance. Some people are just rude. I see a girl walk up to me, she's pretty. Short blond hair, crystal blue eyes, bright smile. I won't lie, she seems quite Interesting and gave off a positive energy.

"Hi! My name is Aubrey! Who are you?" she asks me. The sweet voice was strange, I didn't really like her very much. I just looked away from her and hoped she would get the hint but she came and sat down. I don't like to be around people, she probably wanted something from me. "Hey, I just want to be your friend. My parents are the owners of the grocery store here, good people. I swear, I come in peace," she held up her hands and she giggled. Aubrey put her hand on my shoulder so I jumped out of her reach. This girl can't be trusted. She was so nice, either she wanted something or she was just that naive. I turned around and walked away, ignoring her protests. I needed to get home anyway.

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