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Things went fuzzy and I was confused. I heard a voice, "They don't know how bad the world is, how evil you are. Show them the true power of Shadow." When I came back to reality the sight was shocking. Cars were turned over, buildings were crumbling, people ran away screaming, and I sat in the middle of a large crater. So much destruction for a food heist, I had no idea what had just happened. Angel was there, helping people get away. The food I stole wasn't so important to them anymore. I grabbed my bag and teleported home.

That night I had a feast, it was my first success in so long. Now I knew that I had to get serious, it felt so good to have a win and I knew I had the power to do it again. These fools are just as evil as anyone else because the choose to ignore the bad instead of trying to fix it. What happened today made me realize that I had more power than I imagined. I could use this to my advantage, I didn't have to lose to Angel anymore. I am evil, my magic is dark energy, very powerful, very deadly. I could feel the demon's power, I could feel the darkness in my mind. Angel won't get in the way of Shadow anymore.

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