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My stomach rumbled again so I figured I that could steal some food from the supermarket. Doing this was more difficult than one would think though, Angel always seemed to be there so she probably lived near it. It was the only food store around though so I had to go there. I usually prefered stealing money and then buying the food, it was easier sometimes and I still had extra money in the end. I definitely needed it. Then I got an idea, maybe if I lure her to the bank across town then I could teleport quickly, steal the food, and run home before she catches me. The rain will make it difficult for her to fly and catch up to me and the teleportation will give me a major head start. I ran to the bank to save my teleportation energy. This is the perfect plan. I quickly ran out the door. When I made it to the bank I was drenched in rain and I was cold, I could see myself shivering. Hopefully Angel feels the same way. I formed a ball of dark energy and launched it at the door, it shattered instantly and so did half the wall.

After a few minutes of me making a scene, Angel finally appeared above me. She looked like she always did, a white dress that matched her wings and mask. She wore white wrist bands and gladiator sandals that completed the guardian angel look. Honestly, she looked really nice. She had short blond hair and a positive attitude that made everyone love her, of course they felt the exact opposite about me because I am the villain. I know I'm evil but sometimes what they say does hurt my feelings. The rain continued to pour as she flew down to me, this was my chance. I disappeared into a cloud of black smoke and then reappeared in the store. I took a large bag and filled it with pantry items such as cereals, granola bars, etc. Civilians looked at me with disgust and ran away. Being the center of everyone's hatred was difficult but I just knew that the simply didn't understand.

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