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-6 years ago-

I was 7 years old when my life turned upside down, I was a normal child back then. I had jet black hair that hung straight down to my waist. I smiled brightly while I talked and played with my friends. Everything was great, until I went back into the house only to see my father covered in blood, trying to run to the basement. He barely noticed that I was there. I stood still as he came over to me. "Skyler?" he asked. "Y-yes?" I stuttered. What was I going to do. He frowned down at me, "I you tell anyone about this I will kill you. Don't. Say. A. Word." He continued on his way, and I went back outside. If somebody asked me I would have to tell them, I could never lie. I never ever lie.

Hours later some police came to our house. "There has been a murder, a witness placed you at the scene. We would like to question you," they said. My father told them he was home all day with me. The officers questioned me and I spilled, I couldn't help it, I told them everything. My father then attacked me, my mother jumped in front of me. She saved my life at the cost of her own. They took my father away, forever.

"This is all your fault Skyler! If you hadn't said anything then this would have never happened!" he yelled. From that day forward, I haven't said a word to anyone, afraid my honesty would ruin somebody else's life.

A Super Villain's StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin