If I could tell him (Part 2) - A DaithideLadd (DaithideNogla and MiniLadd) Story

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Here's a REQUEST for : DoubleTheFlavor

Hope you enjoy this part 2 <3

Genre: Sad Fluff

Warnings: Feels

Words: 1673

-TaylortheDinosaur ^,-,^

(3rd Person POV)

It had been two months since the confessional song from Nogla to Mini, although originally for Brian's sake. Nogla had drifted away from the crew, especially Craig. They no longer spoke or recorded videos with each other since Brian and Mini got together, for reasons Mini didn't know.

Brian had lately been hanging out with Vanoss a lot more. He would hang out with Evan all day whether it was recording, talking or Brian going to see him. Craig had asked him about it, but Brian simply shrugged it off.

Until, Craig was in the kitchen humming along to the song he heard two months ago. How Nogla sang so sweetly and passionately about him, and the way his coffee eyes sparkled as he looked at him or the small gestures he made that were so gentle as he touched his skin. Each movement perfected with care.

Craig was knocked from his thoughts when he heard the front door open and shut. He glanced around the corner to see Brian, quickly calling him over.

(Mini/Craig's POV)

"Hey babe, where you been?" I asked as I turned to greet him.

"Just took some...errands..." He replied, his hesitation obvious and his gaze focused on his hands.

And that's when I saw it, a dark patch of purple on his neck, a hickey.

"You didn't happen to see Evan did you?" I questioned, folding my arms sternly.

"Pfft, what? No? Of course not babe." He said shrugging and leaning forward to kiss my cheek.

I lean away, before smacking him hard on his left cheek. His face shocked and partly red as he stood stunned.

"You cheating bastard! I knew it all along. We are over." I mumbled before storming out of his apartment.

I have to find Nogla. I need him. It was never Brian that made me feel happy inside, every single butterfly that tingled in my stomach or the pink tint that always formed when I was around them. It was Nogla. I love Nogla...

I rush to his apartment, the white chalky brick coming to my view as I speed jog towards the door. I rush up the stairs, to busy to stop for the elevator. My blood rushing and my heart pounding loudly in my head. Nervousness and excitement filling my lungs and step as I stand in front of his door.

I knock twice, hearing footsteps come to the door. Then opening, the beautiful giant standing in front of me. But, looking so teary and tired. His weary eyes, the slightly grey bags under his eyes and the dried tear streaks that had run down his red raw cheeks. He looked so broken.

"Nogla..." I began, the shock of seeing him knocking me to a wordless pile of concerned worry. His once bright and twinkling coffee eyes now darkened, like dark wood off of dead bark trees.

As soon as he recognised me, his eyes began to brim with fresh watery tears, them beginning to cascade down his face. He quickly stepped out towards me, shutting the door loudly behind him and running down the tanned hallway.

My legs weak and heart throbbing in pain. I regained my senses and ran after the tall man, willing myself to run faster each second.

As soon as I made it outside, he had disappeared. Resting my hands on my head as I sucked in the missing breaths I lost running, I scanned the area. Cars rolling past few by few, on the outside were pretty green foliage and a restaurant beside it.

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