Why her? - A H2ODelirious Story

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HELLO! I am here again. Back just before the holidays and trying to update before my revision starts for all the mocks I have in two weeks time. But any who, enough about me and onto the story. Enjoy!

Based on the song: I Don't Wanna See You With Her - Maria Mena


Warnings: HIDDEN

Words: 1064

-TaylortheDinosaur ^,-,^


(Delirious/Jonathan's POV)

I live in a small town, not very popular amongst all the sight-seeing attractions you hear about all the time. Just a quaint place, not many residents compared to our neighbouring towns, but we don't mind. After all North Carolina isn't as big as everyone thinks, especially in my town. It is small, so word gets around. And let me say this; everyone hears about it. It's like everyone just spreads it around, travelling in circles or in a repetitive loop. Gossip travels through hoops and hurdles, carelessly. Everyone is careless when talking about it. Multiple times I've walked past a few strangers and they've heard about it, they start talking about our mess.

But do they care? Ha, no. You think that they would actually care about it? About me? Never. They don't care how it hurts me. They think it was all too easy. They don't understand how hard it was. How hard it is. I can barely hear your name without shivering with anxiety, my heart convulsing and freezing as your name falls from their mouths. So simple, but so difficult not to break down right there in front of them.

All my friends talk about you. They think I'm over it. Over you. But I'm really not. I'm breaking. When they say you have a new love, I just smile and hope for the best. I am happy for you, love. I am truly. But I just remember our love. It hurts me inside, but I just smile on the outside. My voice wants to scream out, scream how much I miss you and love you. My arms, to reach out and hold you one more time. My lips to taste yours, sweetly remembering the soft embrace we had. But now, knowing she has you. Everything I want and miss. Every passionate night and every glorious day we spent together. She has that. 

I wish I could be her. Maybe she deserves you, better than I did. Maybe she's wonderful, better than I was. I just don't wanna meet her. Knowing that she has you, breaks me. My legs start to tremble, my lungs collapsing in defeat, each breathe struggled as my heart shatters into fragments. Are you gonna keep her? Just don't let me see her. I don't wanna see her with you.

I don't want to see you with her. I don't want to see her face. How perfect she will look with you and her smile as she greets you. I can't see you with her. Resting in your embrace the way I used too. The way you kissed me under the stars that night. Each dance we had in the early hours of the morning when we couldn't sleep. Every memory, every feeling is imprinted on my heart and I can't scrape away these engravings you placed. But it's her. Her feet standing in my place. Standing in that embrace, kissing you under those stars and dancing away those long nights. Why her?

I don't wanna see you've moved on. I hate that you moved on and I'm still stuck in this place. I can't escape dreams of having you with me still. And when I wake, you are no longer there and I break. I don't think that I'm that strong. Because I don't think I can move on. Not from you. It hasn't even been that long. Barely any time has sprung since I was the one in your arms. But it's her now. Why her?

Since you've left me, I don't like being sober. I'm drunk and that's when it hits me, it's over. I hate that it's over. Although it was my choice. I was angry, stupid and naive when it came to love. I took you for granted, I know it's my fault. We had our ups and downs, my fault, your fault and all in between. But we got through it. I wish we had got through it. I can't shake your calm voice. You tried to apologise, but I didn't listen. I couldn't listen. It was my fault, it was your fault and I know that now.

Our friends say you like her. You think you've got a keeper. Saying you've found one, that makes you feel as strong as you've always wanted to be. Stronger than any weak moment you've gotten through so far. Even when I was by your side, you felt weaker, you felt incomplete. Maybe she can change that. Maybe she can help you feel stronger and she helps you through hard times. Cause that job was once mine. I just hope she helps you, as much as I could of and better than I should of. Still, I was there. Why did you push me away? Why did you move on? Why her?

You have her, your new love. And I am happy for you, love. Even though I'm breaking. Even if it hurts. But I still don't wanna see her. I don't wanna see her. But is she a keeper? Are you gonna keep her? Cause I don't wanna see you with her. I don't wanna see her with you. Not even her face. I don't wanna see her face, especially resting in your embrace. She's taking all of our memories together. Replacing them with herself and removing me out of the picture. Maybe I'm selfish, maybe I'm just jealous. But how I wish you and I were still that maybe, that one and only dream that was our memory and it be realistic once again. Her feet standing in my place, and I can't do anything. I can't move on. I don't wanna see you've moved on. You have and I don't think I'm that strong. It hasn't been that long. But I'm breaking. Since I was the one in your arms, I've been breaking.

I don't wanna see you with her, Evan. Because it's hurting. I'm weak and I'm never going to get stronger.

I'm broken. You left me, Evan. She replaced me, Evan. I broke, Evan.

Why her? Why her? Why not me, Evan?...

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