Boys Like You - An Ohmwrecker Story

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I am back for this and I'm leaving again. Its hard to have creativity when I'm this stressed for a levels. However I'm going to university soon, just to update yall so maybe I'll be missing for a while or maybe I'll be more active... Who knows? But either way I hope you enjoy this - it's more of a reader fic, although I imagined it to be a YouTuber that Ryan was with.

Genre: Smut

Warnings: None

Words: 1189

-TaylortheDinosaur ^,-,^

You'd think the road would be empty at six in the morning. Everyone should be asleep, right? Maybe except a few doctors and nurses, those wonderful folks the world can't turn without. It isn't though. My car joins a train of others, mostly other office works with "vital" paper to push for twelve or more hours. In summer there is daylight, not so much for the rest of the year. We follow the red tail lights by morning and night, never seeing the sun, not caring what the weather is. We form a river of tin and flesh, the best any one of us can hope for is a boring day; "interesting" means stress, lots of stress. This morning the sky has an unusual dash of orange cast onto the otherwise pale grey cloud, otherwise the day promises to be like every other. The road is washed black by recent rain and the sidewalks are almost empty. As my car hits the street my mind moves rapidly to the autopilot mode. The rest of the day will play out like a terrible computer game – none of the fun but with the same black hole in my memory once it's done.

Entering the same office doors, standing for a few minutes at the same coffee machine and into the same elevator with the same mouldy stench and the same melancholy stricken face staring back at me. My reflection truly saw my mood. But, with a fake smile as the doors opened, I began the day. Filing, more filing, and more filing. I type all day, scribble notes and file. This job truly had me burned out.

"Ahem!" A large signalling cough was announced, over the repetitive tapping on keys or slow groans of the printer in the background.

"I'd like you to meet our new colleague, Ryan." I could tell it was the supervisor, the cracking of his voice and nasally intakes of breath were key enough. No one payed attention, as the typing continued and the printer growled. But, I glanced up. Curiosity kills the cat and this job is killing me, so what's the harm in looking?

There he stood. This Ryan fellow. Immediately I was drawn to his warm coloured skin and the way it subtly glowed in the sunlight. He seemed intelligent, although it was stereotypically based on the glasses that framed the most wondrous eyes. Some unsettling dark eyes beneath those dark frames. Unsettling, mysterious and beautiful. They fuelled my stomach with butterflies when I noticed how nice they were looking at me. Looking at me only. Oh god.

I watched the tall, young man walk towards me. His body was thin, but not sickly, he was just really tall. He looked as if he could work heavy machinery still. He was incredible, and different. This handsome stranger had turned my stomach to jelly and I hadn't spoken a word, neither did he. But he smiled.

Some folks wear a smile, this guy was the smile. Everything about him was a soft and understated joy as he smiled to each person, yet his focus was on me. As he reached the desk I sat at, his face relaxed. In just moments his mouth gives up to a stoicism his colleagues project, before breaking into a boyish grin. I want the man with the smile.

Before long we knew each other. We spent our afternoon talking for hours, and suggested going to a bar. The moments passed by so quickly I barely remember. Before long the bar tab was three drinks down, I was partially tipsy. I had never been a liquor person; nor enjoyed drinking with the 'cool kids' on the weekends back in college. I swirled my drink as he spoke, his words not reaching my ears.

Then it happened. We were in the bathroom of the bar. The marble green walls contrasted to the tan of his skin and the mesmerising way his eyes scanned my face. His lips connected to mine and my mind clouded in ecstasy. My mind was filled with him, his smell, his taste. I was hooked from there.

My hands were above my head, I was against the wall, my heart rate was faster than average. I could feel the sweat on my brow and the anxiety in my stomach. My hands gripped his as he pulled my face up with his lips. I could feel him along my jaw, the tender and passionate traces he produced down the side of my cheek. I could feel the edge of his pointed nose rub against the skin of my neck. Immediately my body froze and tensed up.

I felt a hot breath on my neck, then the tender brush of lips. Burning as they make contact with my neck. A hand runs through my hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. Another hand slides around my waist, and pulls me close to his pine scented body. His kisses are now on my shoulders, both delicate and full of lust. Even the thought of his lips on my skin drove me insane, yet the action sent me into overdrive.

Freeing my hand to grasp his face in my hands and smash my lips against his in utter desperation. The teasing kisses start again and we start to move like partners in a dance that is written in our DNA. Our bodies fit together as if we were made just for this, to fall into one another, to feel this natural rhythm. With a soft laugh he lifts me right off my feet, carrying me toward the counter, letting me rest carefully on the marble top. We lock eyes for just a moment, just enough for us to feel safe with one another. Then he's all business, undoing my jeans, pulling them off, kissing from my toes upward, slowly, his hands on my legs, always just a little higher than the kisses. I feel my back arch in anticipation, knowing where his fingers will soon reach. My head rocks back against the mirror as he does, the first moan escaping my lips...


My alarm has woken me up. For work. I could feel the burning sensation on my neck still and rubbing my fingers over the skin, there was nothing. I checked in my bathroom mirror and the dark splotches of his marked lips were invisible. The tenseness faded, suffering from the heat of my body and the mixed feelings of joy and sadness.

It was only an erotic dream of my new colleague. It wasn't real. Sadly...boys like you, Ryan, are impossible like that.

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