Premonition - Part 2 - A MiniNoss (MiniLadd and VanossGaming) Story

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HELLO! Here's part 2. I hope you like the second part as much as I did. Enjoy!

Genre: Angst

Warnings: Sad and a little scary

Words: 1037

-TaylortheDinosaur ^,-,^


(Mini/Craig's POV)

I woke up screaming. My heart racing faster and faster. I began clawing at my throat, my lungs not physically working at all. Then I took in a breath. Tears cascaded down my cheeks. I collapsed to the ground. No one would come and check on me. This happened frequently. Every image was Vanoss. His smile. His eyes. His laugh. Everything. He was going to die.

I ran to the door, bashing wildly on the metal for them to open up. I screamed and shouted till my throat wore out. Then carried on more. A guard came to shut me up, I cried hectically, explaining what I saw. I asked him to check the criminal. I asked him to talk to his boss. I asked him to do everything. But he denied it. His only answer was for me to shut up. I kept banging as he turned away. Screeching that I wouldn't stop till Vanoss came to see me.

It had been an hour. My throat hoarse, still trying to scream louder and louder with every inhale. Hands, knees and feet; bloodied and bruised. Some probably broken. Guards had yelled at me to stop but I told them what I wanted. I wanted Vanoss.

A knock sounded on my door, familiar to Vanoss' knock. A muffled voice spoke out. Tired, but still like sugar. Vanoss was here. He opened the door carefully. Closing it behind him. His eyes looked me up and down, a shocked expression on his face and my appearance. His rushed me over to my bed, tears flowing down my cheeks as he looked at my wounds. He opened a small bag I hadn't noticed before, a medical symbol stuck on top. Bandages and plasters were thrown out. Vanoss tried to fix me up the best he could.

"Why did you do this Mini?" He said, calling me a nickname he created for me last year. I simply choked on a breath I didn't realise I was holding. I flung my body onto his, hugging him tightly as salty tears dripped onto his jacket. The same jacket I saw in the dream. He rubbed my back, surprised by the contact but not afraid of it. Gladly comforting me back.

I let go of him. My glasses smudged and fogged by the heavy gasps I had been getting rid of. He grabbed my glasses gently, cleaning them before handing them back. I tried to smile back, only more tears came. I nodded as an acknowledgement and as a thank you. My brain running in circles, like a car on a race track. At any moment I could pass out from fear, anxiety and whatever else.

"Mini, why did you do this?" He asked again, looking at me worriedly. He grabbed my hand, rubbing my knuckles soothingly. I had informed him that it calms me, something my mother used to do before she died. I tried to stop crying, only ending to a faint sobbing.

My throat was raw, almost as if a fork was scratching my oesophagus. I tried to speak, although croaky and sore, my words were manageable to say the least.

"Evan. Die. Prem-onition." I said, each individual word like fire on my tongue.

"Do you want me to get you some water?" Evan asked. I played his death over in my mind as he stood up.

"No!" I yelled, coughing abruptly after.

"Okay, can you tell me what is wrong?" He asked politely, not wanting to push me.

"I saw you in my dreams. I saw you die." I said quietly, gazing into his chocolate covered caramel eyes. I have to save him.

"Oh. I see. Can you tell me how?" He pondered, his circular movements on my knuckles faltering slightly. His eyes watered slightly, understandably because he found out he was going to die. He already knew every death I had seen in the last few years, came true.

 "Just don't leave this room, no matter what. It happens out there." I said, my eyes searched behind the bars of my door window. It was still cold and metallic out there. Nothing red and blaring like the alarm in my premonition.

"Okay Craig. I'll stay here." Evan said calmly, before looking at me curiously, "Why'd you want to tell me though? What if it could affect you? I didn't even think that you liked me at all seeing as I'm your therapist." He questioned intensely.

"I don't want you to die Evan. You're the only person that makes me feel any different to the crazy person I'm thought of. You make me feel special and not like a freak. You make me happier than I could be in this situation. Your smile lights up my day and even the thought of you sends my heart fluttering madly. I never realised it Evan but I've been falling in love with you this whole time. And I can't let you die. I care about you too much to let you die." I said honestly, my eyes watering as my throat cried out and faltered at parts. 

"I love you too Mini. I wouldn't ever of thought that I would fall in love with a patient. But you are special. You make me enjoy doing my job because I get to see you. You simply make me enjoy my day every time I see you. I hate missing a day without you." Evan replied, his eyes slightly glistening with tears.

We both leaned forward, kissing shortly before the raging sound of an alarm was sounded. I jumped in fear, hugging Evan tightly. 

"Don't let him die. You can't die." I kept repeating, mumbling it over and over. Gunshots ricocheted off of walls and the echo was loud enough to be heard through the cafeteria on the opposite side. 

I cried, whether out of excitement or worry, I didn't know what was happening now. 

But all I know, is that my premonition didn't happen. And Evan was alive and now safe and sound.

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