Trying to escape

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I thought he was going to come to his senses , but he didn't. Things got worse since Tierra tried to escape. He wouldn't feed us , and we were so dehydrated. Our bodies were weak and hallucinations were at a boil. He made us watch videos that were about his life the twins life. His family life with every woman he had encountered. They were being recorded as they slept mostly. It was creepy , but it was more creepy when I saw me , and my mom. All those years , and he was doing all of this. But why ? And for what ? Then Tomi comes over opening the cube door dragging Tierra out by the hair. Tierra is screaming. I sit up looking Tomicka in her eyes as she slowly closes the door. I can see it in her eyes that she didn't want to do this. Allen yells at Tomicka getting her attention. " Focus girl it's no time to get sensitive now " he says. Tomi was untying Tierra hands and feet. Were they going to let her go , and kill me ? I could see them scolding her as they sat her in the chair in front of me. Pulling her hair Tomicka tells Tierra " look at your little friend , because this will be your last time seeing her " Then she let's her hair go letting her head drop. Allen whispers something to Tomicka , and he walks out leaving them to do what ever they wanted to do to us. What were they going to do ? What were they going to make Tierra do ?I had to think, I had to get myself together. I needed to think of away to get out of here. Tierra and I sat there for a few minutes looking into each other's eyes as if we were trying to read each other's mind. Tierra had to distract them , Tomicka didn't lock the cube door back. Even if I did get out they had the gun, and the power. Any attempt of escaping I know they would kill us.Tomi goes over to the silver tank turning it on. Fumes began filling the cube with a mist that made me choke. Tierra panics and is about to get up and Tomi comes up behind her choking her until she is unconscious. Falling over I'm gagging for air I couldn't breathe I couldn't see everything was so blurry. " God please don't let me die " I said softly. Batting my eyes my vision was not good nothing was of shape or sight. I could hear my heart pounding out of my chest , and then there was complete silence.

I could feel my body being pulled across the floor. I could hear them talking , Allen was doing all the talking . I didn't want to open my eyes , because I didn't want them to know I was awake , because I knew they would put me back In there. I was alive , and that was a sigh of relief . Then I hear Tomicka saying " dad we have to stop this it's going too far " she said sounding concern." This bitch ruined my life , and I'm going to ruin hers " he says angrily. Then I felt someone kicking me to see if I was responsive. Holding my breathe I didn't move. Then I hear Tierra"why are you doing this "? she says , and then I hear Tomi " shut up , just shut up , and stop asking why ? she says . Then I hear a loud slap , and Tierra wines out. " Stop It damn It , enough of this " Allen says. I can hear Tierra crying softly. " Why are we waiting to kill them ? Tomi says . I wanted to open my eyes so bad. I had to because it was now or never , and I never wanted to go back In that cube. Slowly opening my eyes , and trying not to move , I could see Tierra slumped over In the chair. She was tied up ,and Tomi was standing beside her just staring at her. Tomicka was sitting In the corner looking as If she wanted out of all of this. Allen was sitting In front of the cube glass holding his gun in one hand stating out into space. My hands or feet weren't tied anymore. I had to get free , and now was the time. I was approximately three feet away from a man who could kill me if I even blinked wrong. I had to get that gun , but how ? I had to get In survival mode. No matter what happened I had to do it now. Taking a breath I take all the energy I had and I jumped up running over behind Allen biting his ear , and trying to grab the gun out of his hands. Yelling he grabs me by my hair , Tomi plunges towards me. Tierra grabs her by the ankle, and she falls to the floor. Allen and I also falls to the floor. Trying to keep a grip on the gun it slides out of my hand sliding across the floor towards Tomi , and Tierra . I try crawling towards the gun , Allen is pulling me back by my shirt. Tomi is crawling towards the gun , Tierra grabs her by her leg biting her. Tomi screams out kicking Tierra in the face . Tierra falls back. Out the corner of my eye I could see Tomicka. She was just standing there watching. Tomi , Allen , and I were sliding across the floor on our stomach trying to get to the gun . Tierra was getting to her feet, and then Tomicka rushes towards her as if she had been snapped out the trance she was in. Tierra runs towards her pushing her into the glass. Tomicka head hits the corner of the glass cube and her body falls to the floor.Then all I could remember hearing were three gun shots. , and smelling the smell of gun powder.

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