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Watching her passed out at my feet , gave me some kind of sensation of revenge. She's the reason I lost my babies. She's the reason I have no energy to love. Then she ran away when things got to hectic , but that's a woman for you . Leave when it gets tough. No explanation, no nothing she just up , and left. Michelle owes me a explanation, and today is the day I get to hear her reasons. I changed the pass code to unlocking the door. I knew that Tomicka would fold if she ever was alone with Kaylin or Tierra. Tomi she was my little girl . She always obeyed her daddy no matter what. On the other hand Tomicka was too nice like her mother. She didn't have that tough skin like Tomi , but I still loved her the same. She just needed some tough skin. I wasn't their biological dad , but I got with their mom when they were eight years old. I help raise those girls , and I always looked at them as is they were mine. For an hour I sat their watching Michelle, and memories of when we were together ran across my mind . Kneeling down , and rubbing my hand across her face she still was soft . Kissing her lips those felt the same too. We were suppose to be together, and destiny  had bought us back together. Michelle began to moan as if she was coming back through. Standing up I slowly back away , because who knows how she's going to act when she realizes this all wasn't a dream. Watching her slowly come back to reality I stand there.
Even though my body was getting weak from loosing so much blood. I got the energy from some where just so I could die with Michelle. We were going where our twins were. Looking over at the glass cube Michelle see's Tierra, and Tomi deceased body , and she began screaming, backing up into the corner. " What the hell is this "?  she said with her eyes showing fear. Laughing I go over turning the t.v , and dvd on. I wanted her to see all the good times I recorded when we were together. Recordings she never knew I had. " You recorded us sleeping? she said holding her head in shock. Just seeing herself pregnant, and happy made Michelle cry even harder. " Why are you doing this" ? She yelled at me clinching her fist as if she wanted to hit me. " Doing what? I said , stop fuckin whining Michelle " . " That always annoyed me about you ", I said walking over to the glass cube. " That fuckin brat of yours did this ". " I always told you to give that girl tough love " I said holding my side where I had been shot. " Fuck !!!! I said screaming to the top of my lungs. " Allen you need to stop this ". " Your going too far"Michelle says still crying. " What's too far " I said walking towards her. " Don't fuckin come near me " ! Michelle yells at the top of her voice. " Do you think about the babies "? Stopping three feet away from her , bent over a little from my gunshot wound. " Shut up "! Don't talk about my babies" , she says standing to her feet in defense mode. I didn't want to get rid of her yet. I wanted her to suffer more. " The police will be here soon " , she says making a fist with one hand , and moving her fingers back , and fourth on the other hand. Quickly I reach over grabbing her swinging her around putting my arms around her neck. Just to see her gasping, and kicking for air relieved the pain that was inside of me. The more she moved the tighter my grip got. " Stop making a fuss Michelle your only making things worse " . Kissing the side of the face gave her more rage , and it made her kick , and scream even harder. Slamming her to the floor then getting on top of her . The weight of my body kept her just the way I wanted her. Coughing uncontrollably she catches her breath. " You son - of - bitch , I hate you "! She yelled out with tears running down her face. She couldn't hate me we were suppose to be together, and we were going to be together. " I dare you " she said still squirming to get up. I wanted her , and I had to have her now. She was still beautiful. Looking down at her I tare her shirt off. Leaning down kissing her neck. " No !!! " Don't do this Allen she said squirming to get her hands, and wrist free. " Help me , please help me " ! The more she resisted the madder I got . Taking my fist I hit her until she was unconscious. Admiring her body I kiss , and caress her . Unzipping my pants I wanted to give her life again. I wanted her to have my kids. Taring her pants, and underwear off. I began to make love to my long lost love. Here , and now I was going to start a new family with Michelle.

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