The End

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I still had nightmares every now and then about Allen, but it wasn't enough to stop me from marrying Donavan. People were running all over the place , it was so chaotic. Never in a million years I thought Donavan, and I would be getting married. Donavan was my soulmate , and as I stood in the mirror looking at myself in my beautiful long laced,strapless gown.Taking a quick glance out the window at the beautiful lavender, and white decorations of the wedding, my heart skipped a beat. I was so happy I was starting a whole new life with a man who adored me. " You look beautiful " a voice said. It was Kaylin in a long silk strapless lavender dress that made her look older than she was. Tearing up a little I walk over to her looking her up,and down. "Your the beautiful one" I said pushing a string of hair from her face. " Mom I love you" Kay says hugging me. I love you more baby " , I said hugging her. Then rushing through the door comes the wedding coordinator. " Come on places , places " , she says waving her hand back , and fourth. " We have a wedding to do" she says teasing my dress. " Why the raccoon eyes "? She says yelling for someone to fix my makeup.Then the music begans , and my heart drops. Looking out into the hall everyone has taken their places , and began proceeding towards the outside. Donavan , and I were getting married on the beach. We only invited fourty people besides the wedding party. We wanted something small , and simple. Then the big entrance I was so nervous as I squeezed my dads arm tightly. Looking at me he smiles with tears in his eyes. Which made me want to cry , but I didn't want to mess up my makeup again.Looking down as Donavan stood there in his white tuxedo, with a lavender handkerchief hanging from the upper pocket waiting with his hands crossed. As my dad led me down to Donavan, and the Reverend I could feel myself perspiring. Looking at me Donavan takes a couple of steps grabbing my hand. Whispering he loves me we turn towards the Reverend. As the ceremony went on. When the Reverend says " who so ever think these two shall not be married speak now or forever hold your peace ". There was complete silence. God the silence was the silence of it all being over. I didn't have to run or hide anymore. " And now you may kiss your bride" the reverend says closing his bible. Pulling my veil up above my head Donavan grabs me kissing me. Everyone stands up clapping , and cheering. " I love you Michelle" Donavan says. "I love you too I said standing on my tip toes to kiss his lips once more. I had finally gotten my life back. Me , Donavan, Kaylin, and the babies.Yes Donavan , and I were expecting twins. Rubbing my stomach Donavan smiles. Looking over at Kaylin she looks over at me smiling. That smile , I loved that smile. She was safe , I was safe , and even though Allen tried to shatter our life's, he didn't,he only bought closure. Closure to a chapter in our life's that we will never bring into existence again. My shattered pieces of my life were finally swept away.

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