The Path To Hell

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It was dark, cold, and my feet were killing me. There were no cars on the street , and not much light to see where we were going. We had flash lights , but we needed street lights. Street lights that beamed like lights at a baseball stadium. Since we were so far off from the city, street lights in the wooded areas were basically none. Trying to stay at a rapid pace , and stay warm, Donavan could see that I was about to pass out . I haven't walked this far since my teenager days . Donavan he was physically fit , and in great shape . Me on the other hand I was out of breath, and my legs were numb , and aching from it being so cold . " Are you ok " ? Donavan says looking a little worried. " Yes I'm fine " I said slowing down my pace a little. " You don't look like it " he says stopping, and looking at me. " Really I'm fine" I said trying to look serious. " Come here" Donavan says pulling me close , and hugging me. " We're almost there " he says kissing the top of my head. Just to know that we were close to getting Kay back my nerves were in my stomach. "Why haven't they called " ? I ask Donavan looking up at him for a response. Sighing he says" It doesn't even matter anymore ". He starts to walk off grabbing me by the hand. It was so dark , and I was scared even though I had Donavan with me. The walk was like walking a mountain trail. Climbing hills , stumbling over rocks , sticks . It was terrible, and then you could hear all kind of noises as we walked. The closer we got you could hear dogs barking . Donavan reaches in the back of his pants pulling out a gun. Tensing up I just stopped walking. This was it ,what was going to be the outcome of all of this ? " What are you doing ? Donavan whispers to me . " I can't " I said putting my hand on my chest as if I was going to have a heart attack. " Michelle it's a little too late to back out " he says sounding irritated. I was scared as hell . I didn't know if I was going to find my daughter dead , or alive. Not able to hold back my tears I lean up against a tree looking up at the sky. "God please let my baby be alright" . Holding the back of his head with his hand , he walks over hugging me. " Babe listen you have to stop this " he whispered . " She's alive trust me, the game is finally about to come to an end" he says smiling at me . Nodding his head for me to come on he says "Come on our daughter's waiting for us ". Grabbing his hand we continue up the dark trail. Then we hear a truck coming up the trail . Running and taking cover behind a tree, we could see a old green pick up truck passing going towards where we heard the barking of dogs . Once the truck was out of sight we quickly run in the same direction, still taking cover not to be noticed. From the distance we were , we could now see where the old pick up truck was parked in front of a small blue house . The old man that was driving the truck was standing on the porch talking to a man who was slumped over as if he was hurt . " It looks like I know that old man from some where" . I whispered to Donavan squinching my eyes to see a little clearer. Holding his gun down by his side he says " Well this is where Kaylin is " he says moving slowly. The closer we got I could see things better. That was the old man that lived next door to Allen . What was he doing here , and why did he have Kaylin ? I couldn't see the other man's face who was bent down . Then he leans up. , oh my God it's Allen , and he's bleeding. Why was he bleeding ? And where was Kaylin ? My heart was racing , what had happened to him ? What had happened to my daughter? Looking at me Donavan says " It's show time " . My God just to hear that my heart pounds even harder. I felt as if i was going to have a panic attack. It was now or never. "Are you going to call for back up"? I whispered . He nods his head no. " Stay here "he says. Grabbing him by his shirt " your gonna leave me "? I said nervously tugging on his shirt. " Just wait here , and don't move " he says. Then he kisses me , and slowly run off towards the house. My first time seeing Allen in years. Just seeing him again made me angry. It made me want to end what ever he thought we still had. Donavan couldn't end this. I had to. I wasn't just gonna do nothing. I was going to get my daughter. I run off towards the house. The time had come for me to handle , and erase the past that haunted me for so long. This was it " I'm coming Kay " mommy's coming ". I said , and I ran , and I ran.

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