Chapter One: The Rescue Squad

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The trio made themselves invisible inside the safety of their cave. They silently flew out, unable to see each other. They made their way to Vividean's base with a strategy in mind. Zerrox, silent and unseen, flew into the mouth of the cave, flying close to the ceiling to avoid touching anyone. He made his way through the maze of a cave, turning right and left, until he made it to the place where he believed Nova to be. He hovered close to the ceiling for a moment, watching for any guards that may be lurking nearby. He landed in front of the iron door and scanned the wall. He found the key hanging on the wall.

Zerrox smirked and thought to himself about how stupid Vividean was to just leave the keys hanging around. Zerrox grabbed the key, but as soon as he held it, it turned invisible like him. Zerrox cursed himself and looked around once more. Once he was positive he was alone, He did the reverse spell, whispering the key word as softly as he could.

He saw his claws begin to reappear. Along with the key. He grabbed the key and pushed it carefully into the knob, turning it and unlocking the door. He carefully began to pull the door open, wincing at the creaking noise it made. Zerrox slipped inside only to be tackled by a dragon.

The dragon snarled but stopped when it realized who it had pounced on.

"Zerrox?" A surprised voice said, stepping off of Zerrox.  "What on Earth? What are you doing here?" It asked.

Zerrox smiled and picked himself up. "Nice to see you again Nova. I'm saving you, what does it look like?"

"Saving me! What- No! Zerrox Vividean will catch you!" Nova said worriedly. "It's a nice offer Zerrox, but a knight in shining scales is kind of useless if he is dead!"

"No, I mean, we need to get out of here." Zerrox said defiantly.

Nova groaned. "Zerrox, it's hard enough to sneak one dragon in and out, let alone two. How did you manage to get in here anyway?"

"Well, we may or may not have gotten our claws on one of Vivideans spell books." Zerrox admitted casually.

"That still doesn't explain how you got in here!"

Zerrox rolled his eyes. "Just watch and repeat after me okay?"

Nova stared at Zerrox intently as he repeated the steps to invisibility spell. Nova scoffed at Zerrox when he said the word that solidified the spell.

Zerroxes form began to melt away, fading into the room around them. Nova was in awe.

"You weren't even joking about the spell book; and being invisible may be an improvement from how you normally look." Nova said, teasing Zerrox as she walked around his invisible form.

"Yeah yeah." Zerrox's seemingly detached voice groaned. "That's how I got in, and that's how we are getting out." Zerrox said confidently.

Nova smiled. "Sure. Anything to be out of this hellhole." She replied. "And hanging out with you is a bonus." Nova added nonchalantly.

Zerrox blushed, thankful that the spell masked his emotions as well as the rest of his body.

"O-okay." Zerrox stammered, cursing himself. "Just do the spell and we'll leave. Stick close to the ceilings, don't touch anyone, and be quiet." Zerrox listed off the warnings.

"Got it got it." Nova said confidently. She did the spell exactly how she saw it; unfortunately, she remembered it wrong.

She said the final word and waited for a few moments. She looked down at herself excitedly, before realizing she could still see herself.

Nova looked around at the rest of her body and tried to see if she was invisible.

"Am I invisible?" Nova asked.

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