Chapter 4: Sunvale

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Nova soared through the air, passing over a lush forest. She gripped her own claws tightly out of nervousness. She scanned the horizon, keeping a watchful eye out for any part of Vivideans troupe. She saw Sunvale over the horizon, coming closer as her wings carried her. She felt her anxiety rise as the quaint town came closer and closer. She slowed her flaps, swooping downward. She reached the ground, touching her feet to the dirt road and trotting, gradually slowing to a stop, her tail hitting the dusty path and slashing through the footprints she had left behind.

Nova glanced behind her, searching for Zerrox  to make sure he made it. He had been flying precariously through the forest to avoid being seen by other dragons, following her from a distance. She turned and saw a scaled black tail slip through the brush. She let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding as she realized he was still there.

She turned back to the dirt road, searching for a dragon. Any dragon. She felt a lump in her throat as she remembered her last encounter from a dragon from Sunvale.

She shivered at the memory. It wasn't all that long ago. But that red dragon had left quite an effect on her. Nova despised that dragon with a passion. Nova remembered her promise, that the next time she saw that dragon, she would ruin their life. Usually, Nova would not be the kind of dragon to hold a grudge, but this dragon. She deserved it. Nova shoved the thought away, somewhat surprised at how this dragon had still had this kind of effect on her after two or three years.

Nova walked down the path, her wings rustling as her nerves began to have an effect on her. Nova made her way through the seemingly empty streets of Sunvale. She looked around curiously. The streets were empty. Something felt... Off. Like something was just wrong. A gut feeling you get you know something bad happened.

Nova walked over to a small house like structure and rapped her claws on the door. The door swung open, allowing Nova entry. Nova walked through the doorway.

"Hello? Anyone there?" She asked, fear creeping in slowly.

 The house was quiet and dark. Nova walked into the house, shutting the door behind her. Instantly a smell hit her nose that she couldnt place. She began to look around. She noticed things were quite a mess. She began to make her way through the house, eyeing the catastrophe. Everything was ruined. The walls, the floors, everything that she could see. 

Nova saw another doorway and began to make her way to it, when she stepped on something sharp. Nova hissed quietly and held her hand gingerly. She saw red blood spill out over her blue scales. She cursed under her breathe and pressed down on the cut. She looked down at what she had stepped on, and noticed a jagged piece of something unidentifiable. Using her good claw, she picked it up. It looked like a jagged stone of sorts. It was a grey-ish green color. Like a mossy stone. Nova gripped it in her claws, minding the sharp edges, and began to search for something to cover her wound. She noted the smell was stronger here, she was probably getting closer to the source.

She continued walking through the house, albeit slower and clumsier now that she was on her two hind legs. She made her way into another room and stood stone still when she saw what was inside.

She dropped the object on the ground with a soft thump. She covered her mouth with her good claw. Tears pricked her eyes as she scanned the scene that lay in front of her. The stench made sense. It all fell into place. The mess, the torn up house, the smell. The stench wasn't like anything she had ever encountered. It was the smell of rotting dragon flesh. 

In the room, lay two dragons. Two heaps of scales and flesh, laying un-moving on the ground. Blood stained the floor and flies buzzed annoyingly around the room, crawling across the carcasses of the dragons. The bodies had jagged cuts across their bodies, their scales failing to protect against what Nova only assumed to be another dragons vicious talons. Dried blood stained almost every surface, almost every scale on the dragons bodies. Nova felt herself begin to grow nauseous. She looked at the corpses, and noticed one of them, had broken horns. Nothing was left of their horns except for jagged pieces on the floor and pointy looking stumps on the dragons head.

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