Chapter 5: Discovery

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Amiras face lit up happily.

"You mean you'll help us?" She said excitedly, her ears pricking up happily.

Axel smiled softly. "Of course. Now. Tell me what I need to do."

Amira almost leapt for joy. "Okay okay. First I need to go get Windwings. He owes me a favor and I think he might help."

Axel nodded. "I think I can swing that. I'm going to be flying the coop anyways to help the dragon rebellion." He said, smirking at Amira.

Amira rolled her eyes. "What are you, a chicken now?" 

Axel cocked his head. "What?"

"Get it, because you said fly the coop, and chickens live in coops. You know what, forget it. Just let me out of here." Amira said, laughing awkwardly.

Axel agreed and pulled the keys off of a nearby hook. He shoved one into the lock of the age and the door swung open. Amira ran out excitedly. 

"Now we just have to figure out where on Earth Windwings is." Amira groaned. "That'll be like finding a needle in a haystack. Or I guess, a griffin in a bunch of griffins."

Axel pointed his nose up to the ceiling and put a pawed hand over his chest. "Just so happens I know where he lives." He looked back down to Amira.  "Is that any help?" He asked sarcastically.

Amira playfully hit his shoulder. "Show the way Beaky."

Axel snorted at the nickname. "I have a name you know."

"I know. I like the nicknames better. Now come on, we are wasting time." She said, running towards the door.

Axel smiled and trotted over to the doorway. He opened his wings, his rainbow feathers glittering even in the poorly lit room.

"Wait, we are flying there?"  Amira asked, somewhat shocked.

"Yeah." Axel said, somewhat unsure of himself. "Unless you can think of a faster way to get to Windwings house, flying is our best option." 

Amira lay a clawed hand on his shoulder. "If you don't want anyone to know, we don't have to do this."

Axel shook his head. "I said I'd help you. I'm not one to be a liar." He said with a wink.

Amira smiled. "Let's go then." She said, opening up her own scaled wings.

Axel nodded, gaining confidence as his new friend stood beside him. He swung open the door, and the two of them barreled outside. 

As soon as they stepped outside, they were met by the shocked faces of a lot of griffins. Most of them, staring at Axels wings, unaware of the dragon that stood beside him. 

Axel froze for a moment, Amira stopping beside him. He felt all the judgmental stares raking him up and down. He could almost hear the taunts and insults. He shoved the thoughts away and shoved through the crowd, grabbing Amiras hand and pulling her behind him. He felt the cool touch of her scales on his fur and smiled inwardly. 

His paws and talons raked the dirt path. He let go of her hand as they broke through the other end of the crowd. He jumped into the air, his wings spread wide, catching the wind beneath them. Clouds of dust went up as the wind made contact with the ground. All four of his legs came off the ground, instinctively curling up beneath him.

His wings rustled as they flapped, carrying him higher. He heard the leathery flap of Amira's scaled wings behind him, and relaxed slightly. He scanned the horizon, recognizing his surroundings. He spotted Windwings house, and dipped his wings left, guiding him down to Windwings abode. 

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