Chapter 6: Help

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Nova and Zerrox flew to Rockhodge, finding nothing but an eerie silence similar to that of Sunvale. They had one last place to go. The town of Mistveil. It was across a very large forest, and past some mountains. Nova landed at what appeared to be the entrance to Mistveil. It was a large swooping arch that towered over a leafy path. There were lots of trees. More trees than either of the dragons had ever seen in a village. Zerrox was grateful for that, because it kept him from being seen and provided more cover. Nova walked a little ways down the path, passing a few houses that littered the gaps between trees. 

Nova listened closely to the village, hearing nothing but the ambiance of the forest. She let out a frustrated growl and stomped the ground. 

"I am going to kill that wryvern." She growled, seething softly.

Zerrox ran out of the brush to comfort Nova. 

"The same as the others?" He asked, hoping his guess was wrong.

"Yep." Nova sighed. "That dragon just doesn't know when to quit."

Zerrox nodded. "Maybe there are other villages, further out. There are bound to be some she hasn't reached." He said hopefully.

"By the time we find anyone this war is as good as over." Nova said, feeling very pessimistic.

Zerrox frowned. "We will win. We will help everyone. We will find a way Nova. I promise." 

Nova smiled slightly. "I hope so. Now come on. Let's head home. I hope Amira had better luck at GriffinSkies."

Zerrox nodded and turned to leave, Nova following suit, when they heard a small voice from the forest.

"Wait!" A small voice cried out. Zerrox and Nova simultaneously  swiveled their heads, turning to see the source of the sound.

A small mint green dragon bolted out of the underbrush. Nova and Zerrox were taken by surprise.

"Oh my god Zerrox it's a hatchling!" Nova hissed, pulling Zerrox closer.

"Yeah. I can see that Nova." 

"Do you think it's parents were.... You know?" 

"I don't know! Should we ask it?" 

Nova shifted uncomfortably under the gaze of the small dragon. "Maybe... If it's parents are here, there might also be others." 

Zerrox nodded and turned to the hatchling. "Um... Hi." He said awkwardly.

The hatchling narrowed her eyes. "You guys are working against the black dragons right?"

Nova and Zerrox shared a glance.

"Depends which black dragons you are talking about." Zerrox said, dragging out his words.

The hatchling wrinkled her mint green nose. "The ones that tried to destroy our village." She said, blowing a puff of smoke.

Nova glanced at Zerrox. "Well um. We are not part of her group. Really we are some of her victims. We are trying to stop her. Is there anyone else here with you..... uhm.."

The dragon smiled. "Mijit. My name is Mijit."

"Well, uhm. Mijit. Are there any other dragons here? We need all the help we can get to take down Vivideans group." Nova said gently.

Mijit seemed to think for a moment. Judging the two older dragons silently. Then she nodded.

"I'll take you to 'em. Follow me and stick close." She said quickly.

Nova smiled, glancing at Zerrox who happily gave her a thumbs up.

They followed the mint green dragon eagerly. Nova pausing and turning her head back towards Zerrox.

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