Bedroom (JiKook Part 3)

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"Kookie that's not quiet!" I whisper shouted at the moaning maknae on my bed.
"it's not my fault I moaned hyung, I asked you to lay with me not grind on me!"
Okay, so it did in fact storm that night.
There was very loud thunder and it was raining very hard. So Jimin came in to my room, like I wanted him to. He lied behind me and kept squirming around trying to get "comfortable" as he stated. But, he keeps 'accidentally' grinding on me and making me make noises.
"Which is really annoying because I'm trying to sleep!"
"Alright, alright I get it." Jimin said.
"Do you? Do you really?" I said sarcastically.
"Yes, I do. Now good night."

-What even is this chapter oh my gosh-

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