Get In Bed SugaKookie

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"Hyung~Hyung~~Where are youuuu????~" I sighed and looked around the house, I picked up out grey kitten named Tammy and plopped onto the white bed.
"Tammy, Yoongi doesn't love us anymore." I pouted and kissed her nose, she purred and I set her down next to me. I got an idea and put on striped long blue and white stockings, the bell collar Jin had bought me last year, stating, 'I know you'll use it one day', and an oversized black sweater. I then texted Yoongi.
'Hey Yoongs'
'You know I hate when you call me that'
'And I have work why are you texting me I'm going to get in trouble'
'Sorry daddy but I really miss you, and I forgot you had work today...'
'Istg JK if you call me daddy again I'm going to-'
'Expect me home in 10 minutes' Then he stopped texting me. I smirked knowing I had gotten what I wanted.
I kissed Tammy again and gently placed her outside of the room, then laying on the bed waiting for Yoongi. Until,
"Jungkook I'm home!" I inhaled.
"I'm in the room daddy!"
I seductively crawled over him and nipped at his collar bone. Smirking in my head 'I'm not going to give him what he wants' pshh. I pecked his cheek and crashed next to him, laying down and holding him close. Closing my eyes I pretended to go to sleep.
"Wha-!" He looked at me. "So you took off of work just to come sleep?" I nodded and he shook his head, then mumbled, 'at least I got attention.


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