Odds On

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The InGen company had been working on filling in the missing blanks to the dinosaur Genes. Specifically Doctor Henry Wu, a Chinese American man from Ohio. A prodigy, he gained early attention from his undergraduate thesis at MIT and competed against Doctor Sorkin for the place as InGens head scientist. It was the beautiful year of 1989, where they were now successfully cloning Dinosauria, specifically the Velociraptors, who had been the first cloned in 1986. A beautiful flip of the last digit and the scientist on Isla Sorna were now in the process of cloning their last raptor and then they will move onto the Apatosaurs and many other.

The sliding door opened and a click of heels followed after. John Hammond, a short round man born in the late 1920's and the boss of InGen, had just got back from another dig site specifically Martel. Which is located in Siberia with the job of extracting Pleistocene aged organic materials from glacial ice, of course he wasn't the one slaving over the prehistoric stones, no, but he did get to collect the fruits of everyone's hard work, something John pays heavily on. For in the palm of his hand was yet another fossilized mosquito. One that had been found in the same area as the Velociraptor DNA.

And of course this excited the old man, getting more raptors was always a Christmas gift given early, very early as they were in the month of February. Though none of this mattered to Hammond as he placed the yellow stone in front of Wu, stopping the scientist work. The doctor had in fact been looking into the gene that gave dinosaurs feathers. Their bird like appearence that had made the creatures that take to air turn into the most questionable species ever, was a Pelican or a Pigeon the descendant of such lizard look a like creatures? Certainly.

"Can I help you Mr. Hammond?" The annoyance in Wu's voice was greatly ignored as were most problems in this project.

"Yes I think you can. I found another raptor and I want it brought to life!"

The Doctor could only roll his eyes at the jolly man. "Of course, sir. Just give it over to Doctor McCoy, he should be able to pop it up, for as you can see I am very busy."

Doctor McCoy was a very tall dark skinned man and even if he did have the name of two great doctors he was far from their legacy's. Even if Hammond didn't know this, Wu certainly did. Though he had only watched the other man mess up once, trying to add some other DNA than bird.

"Okay well I'll see to it. Thank you Wu, I know you really want to start on the Apatosaurs, everyone does, but the Raptors are far more interesting." With the last reply, John left to do as he promised, leaving behind an angry Doctor.

The Chinese American man was shocked that Hammond could just dis the Apatosaurous like that. "Just cause they don't have sharp teeth or claws!" He grumbled, going back to work.

Doctor McCoy was very very startled to receive the job of bringing a Velociraptor back to life by himself. It shocked and pleased the young man. He had never given life to anything! Heck he was always to scared to ask his mom if he was an accident or not! Though it did feel more like an accident at times. But not today! McCoy's boss had given him a job, along with the blessing of Doctor Wu, head scientist and the man who thought of replacing the genes! He was a GENEius.

"Time to get this show on the road!" Now with a microscope and a Quantum computer, Micheal got to work. His first observation was the absence of many Velociraptor Genes! Micheal would have to add more of the Raptors DNA and then the bird DNA, though the young scientist would have preferred to add frog or snake, it just made more sense.~~~~~~

Six weeks went by and the now complete DNA strand was being processed in a first tested fertilization artificial ovum, which was a gift in 1984 by Tatsuo Technology. An amazing and beneficial discovery, especially to InGens cause.

The egg was now being processed out of the ovum. Staring eagerly ahead, Micheal was taken aback at the size of the egg! It would take both his hands just to lift it! Something had gone wrong, terribly wrong.

Racing away from the nest he ran to the embryo room, knowing Wu was most likely getting everything set up for his Apatosaurs. "Wu! Doctor Wu! Please! Docto--!"

A loud bang erupted around the labatory, loud enough to gather the attention of his coworkers. Gazes of pity and worry flashed across most faces, most. As Doctor Micheal McCoy had fallen victim to the low ceiling in the embryo doorway. Now laying on the floor passed out, blood dripping from beneath his black locks.

Wu rushed out upon hearing the sudden cut off in someone's calling for him. The body of Micheal greeted the scientist. "Call the medical services! Now!"

White coats whipped past, fulfilling the request. "Doctor McCoy. Doctor McCoy! Can you hear me? You need to stay awake!" And sure enough the constant flutter of Micheals eyelids elated Wu. If someone had died in this park.There would be a lot of sueing and a lot of paperwork, something he already had to much of.

The familiar march of combat boots on metal brought his attention up. And familiar it was, the medical team had arrived. Their green and red uniforms momentarily blocking Wu's view of Micheal.

"Again, Doctor! This is the third time! Now why are the doorways so low?" The Hispanic accent backing up the rangers short muscular build.

Wu waved his hand dismissively. "Who knows. I think Hammond thought the Raptors were gonna work here."

The Hispanic man barked out a laugh. "I wouldn't be surprised, señor. Head out men!" Then the first aid crew left, the clicking of the combat boots fading away, leaving a stressed out Doctor.

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