Scratch One

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The feeling of dread clouded Wu's vision and pulled him down. Not knowing where this new feeling came from, or perhaps it had always been there, silently building up as more and more problems appeared. Though the Doctor will worry about that when the park is finished and done.

Little did he know.

A round tall egg was sitting next to the elongated eggs of the raptors. A brittle shell of white with green and blue spots decorating the exterior. Internally, they contained an embryo, protected by the membrane of amnion. Though one of the eggs contained a very different kind of embryo.

Within the hour, the egg had been found out, hidding beneath piles of hay, still being particularly easy to spot as it towered over the other soon to be offsprings. A group of the best were there waiting for the head doctor to arrive. Most could deduct the species to not be Velociraptor or any part of their cousins. The idiot who had grown this was most definitely going to get fired.

An outbreak of whispers spread across the room like an epidemic of yellow fever. Doctor Henry Wu quickly cured the epidemic with a wave of his hand, gathering his fellow coworkers attention. "Has anyone checked the strand used?"

"Yes. It was barely there, but held all human genes." Doctor Hughes said. A short blonde haired woman with the passion of paleontologist, specifically polysaccharide bonding.

"That gives me nothing. Most dinosaurs have human characteristics. Okay what was added?"

This time Doctor Laura Sorkin spoke up. "Yes. Just bird and raptor DNA."


"Yes." She said. "It seems Doctor McCoy believed the strand to not have enough Velociraptor."

"Then this thing could have been a Tyrannosaurus Rex for all we know! And then he goes and adds Raptor genes! A hybrid!" Wu ranted, earning a troubling silence to befall the onlookers.

"But sir, surely Doctor McCoy would have known it wasn't a Velociraptor on the first glance. Maybe it was an accident." Suggested a very short black haired boy with the title of Assistant. Most of the doctors knew Micheal McCoy and they certainly had to disagree with the assistant, Bill Dooley. They were both idiots, why Hammond hired them was beyond anyone.

Wu was worried, that foreboding feeling coming back. He knew Bill and Micheal were friends, it was only natural he stuck up for him. "Look, Bill we all know Micheal follows out orders without a question or evidence, in this case. Since Mr. Hammond said it was a Raptor, to Micheal it was a Raptor. Now clearly this new species is positively not a Raptor."

"Sir, can't we just destroy it then." Bill shrugged.

"No. It is after all a dinosaur. And it's not like it will survive, most of the raptors have died."

Becky hillburow raised her hand and commented. "Dere ought ta be a way ta save 'em, Doc." Her short black hair and ski glasses were enough to pinpoint her place in highschool was, the braces slurring the poor womans speech.

"That is not our problem right now. I want you Becky and Doctor Sorkin's to find out just what exactly will pop out of this egg. That is all, dismissed." Henry was quick to speed walk towards Micheal office, the foreboding feeling sinking away as Wu looked at some of McCoys personal thesis and ideas.

A knock on the office had Wu's heart leaping. Spinning around the Doctor beckoned whoever it was in, only to be surprised at the appearence of the man who continued to make the depressing pulse of feeling well up in his chest cavity. "Ah, Mr. Hammond. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Wu noticed the excited gleam in the old man's eyes, making him look a decade younger.

John was indeed excited. Thrilled. Elated. He had just glimpsed the giant egg in the hatching room. A marvelous beast that will surely catch the attention and money of many. The opposite if what the raptors were. "I just want to thank you for the surprise. I am agitated just to glimpse What you had to cook up in the lab for that new egg--" The boss held up a hand, making Wu close his answers down. "--but let's keep it a surprise. For I am here to discuss other things."

"O-oh right. Um what other things?"

"The Raptors. I want them to be tall, scary and wild! Not the tame chicken sized birds I see out there. Give me something better!" The white haired man was not expecting Wu to protest, as he was used to getting his way, even when he owned the Animal Kingdom in 1969 with Richard Muldoon, he had gotten his way.

"John, you asked for Velociraptors and that is what Velociraptors look like, feathers and all. If you want a bigger dinosaur: wait, for we are almost done with the Apatosaurus DNA an--"

With a wave if his hand he declined. "No no. I what a Velociraptor, just make it better, more exciting. And that is all. I expect it done or I will give Doctor Sorkin's place as head back. Now good day." The whoosh of the door sent Henry into a coma of thought, ideas, hypothesis, theories, anything. He was not going to loose his position to Laura, no matter how much it really angered him to have to tarnish the Velociraptor image and give everyone a fake.

He couldn't make the Deinonychus or the Uahraptor, they were far to old to even gather DNA from. But Wu could make a look a like of the Deinonychus, being a cousin to the raptor it should be fairly easy. But what Gene to add? While deep in his coma, the image if Michaels papers fluttered to his frontal cortex. What if McCoy had been right all along?

Being to deep in his daze, Wu got to work, planning the new and altered Raptor. His hand gliding across the paper, knocking the very very important detail of why using frog DNA instead of bird DNA was critical.

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