Easy Go

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The next day was hectic indeed. Doctor Wu awoke. Paper stuck to his face with the occasional pencil smudge. The man had stayed in his office the whole night, working on the new strand. Discarding the very troubling matter if the new egg. Hopefully Doctor Sorkin and Hillburow had identified the dinosaur by now. Wu didn't have time for other problems, especially now since the male had to post pone the arrival of the Apatosaurus for the new Raptors.

He made his way down to the hatching room, gazing at the new Velociraptor egg. It was very similar to the first batch. Same elongated form and size, but the spots were gone, giving it that pure white color. Making it unreal.

"Aye Boss. We hov yet ta identeefy the species, buh it does hov a lot of....uniquenessy?" Becky hillburow shrugged and turned towards Sorkin's, maybe the uptight woman had something to add.

Said woman just rolled her eyes, the blue reflecting to a green. "The egg does have the size to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex hatchling, but the DNA strand used, has no indication towards that."

Wu sighed, another problem unsolved. He just hoped McCoy hadn't forgotten to decline the testosterone hormone so the Dino doesn't pop out as a boy. "Okay. Well it should have..What?..About eleven weeks."


"Okay, we'll wait till then. Now I have a new raptor." The man paused, not willing to continue, and just wanting to see his colleagues reactions especially Sorkin.

Laura knew what the man wanted and she was mad to have lost…again. Resentment built up. For both Hammond and Wu. "New Raptor? Were the real ones not good enough." She scoffed not expecting to be right. Laura hated being bested especially just filling in the DNA instead of recovering the true strand. She found it unethical.

"Well to Mr. Hammond they weren't. The new one should be done in eight weeks. You'll see just what changed. " The smirk upon his face was all Sorkin's needed to fuel that hate. Though oblivious to all of this was Becky, who seemed all to thrilled with the prospect. "That sonds good."

"Okay, well off to work Doctor Sorkin. And Doctor Hillburow, I want you put the Velociraptors under. Just be careful, please."

"Oh cours' I wood." The young Doctor really did never let anything bring her down, even her personal flaws. Not that Wu thought they were flaws, just how the world would dictate it. No one was a match to Becky's optimistic personality. Something the head doctor admired about the black haired woman.

Leaving himself, he went to prepare the injections. After all he was going to try and rearrange a fully developed Velocitlraptors genes to what Hammond had wanted. They were going to die anyway. That thought did help him feel less guilty, for most dinosaurs didn't survive with the bird gene making the Chinese man want to alter the big eggs DNA. But she was probably something else, maybe she could be a cool attraction. The only one with feathers. What Henry did know a hundred percent sure, was that they were all female. Thankful that he could get one thing positively correct.

Twelve weeks had gone by. And the giant egg had yet to hatch, everyone was calling it Milagro de Micheals, Micheals Miracle, as a joke. And the new raptor couldn't stop sniffing the egg. So they had to put it in its own nursery. Making Wu proud that at least one Velociraptor survived. The other two had died after the injection, just like how the botanist predicted. And instantly you could tell the difference in this Raptor. Featherless, taller, more teeth, and bloodthirsty. She got lethal after eight weeks and probably more. Hammond was pleased though. And....So was Wu.

He had questioned McCoy after the man came to, but he couldn't remember anything! Just the doctors luck. So John had the idiot fired and medical bills payed. Something InGen was going to be doing a lot of, especially in the future with this new Raptor in the picture and more like it, soon to come.

The hatching area was warm and mostly run by other scientists, they had yet to hook up mechanical arms and other outstanding technologies, something Hammond promises will be on Isla Nublar. The island was bought in 1987 and the Costa Rican government had removed the Nima and Bribri Tribes just so John could start construction and construction he did start, specifically in 1988, a year later. Why their boss wanted it on Nublar instead of Sorna was confusing enough, maybe the weather was better. Who knows?

Wu produced a thermometer and held it above the giant egg, the one that should have hatched last week. 67 degrees. Not to bad, but a little cold for a warm blooded animal.

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