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Robert Muldoon, second scariest thing on the island, asleep and cuddled up to a small hairless baby. Both snoring softly and oblivious to what was happening. Which was a surprise, Muldoon was an expert hunter, hearing the tiniest crumb drop and be able to shoot it in half. But right now he was asleep and vulnerable to all the gazes. Unknown to everyone, Wu was quick to snap a photo, knocking his collegues out of their gaze.

"Let's Finnish this outside." Mr. Hammond whispered, all silently agreeing and doing just that.

Milagro de Micheals awakened to the horrible screeches of animals. She was in a cage, an electric cage outlined with Hulk proof glass. Everyone was. All the mess ups. The deformed ones. The ugly ones. The dead ones. The stillborn ones. The defected ones. The...chimeras.

There were hundreds upon hundreds of cages all staked on or below each other, all in the same glass and electric wire. These were the many many mess ups of InGen. You cannot make a perfect copy on the first try or in this case the 587th try. Most died from the Escherichia coli bacteria and some looked normal. Most had to much intelligence or was to dumb and had to much hormones or they didn't have the color Hammond wanted. This was the ugly truth behind the pretty picture. Even the new raptor Wu had made was there, lying on its back as yellow liquid oozed from underneath it's scales, eating it's skin like acid.

And not all were raptors, there were all kinds of dinosaurs, even a T-Rex with small legs and long arms. The only 'successful' dinosaur was the Velociraptors at the true height, but some died and some ended up here due to Hammond not wanting them. No one knew why John kept these useless dinosaurs around, but he did, not one to throw out the rough drafts.

Milagro continued to let out cry's of hunger and pain. She just wanted her mommy back.

Meanwhile the 'mommy' was in another meeting. After he woke up with the child gone from his arms, it did alarm him and so he questioned doctor Wu, Hammond, and Sorkin, who were more than 'glad' to give the information. All Muldoon had to do was ask very very 'nicely'.

Mr. Hammond answered first, not very fond of their important meetings all getting interrupted. "Mr. Muldoon, I decided she should go down in the blank blank room."

"Yes and I am trying to inform Me. Hammond. That we should keep her around, teach her. We could use her as the link between us and the Dinosaurs. She obviously has the capability to speak both! It could help the company!" Doctor Wu was just excited this happened. To think of all the things they could accomplish, especially with the child's high intelligence. It would be marvelous! Plus he was scared of Muldoon.

Clicking his gun, Muldoon brought it up, as if inspecting the spotless Franci. "First why don't ye tell me why she only likes me?"

Laura stood up. "You were the first one it saw, so naturally it imprinted on you. It thinks of you as it's caretaker, mother if you will, and that must be the reason, you aren't the most comforting person to look at." The blonde woman sneered, as the hunters eyes flashed in amusement. She thought she could scare Muldoon. Not even a face to face battle with a Tyrannosaurus Rex could scare him, not even death itself! So no, Muldoon was far from scared. Instead of answering like they would have thought, Robert hummed in reply, thinking everything= over and deciding to see just what would happen to the infant.

"Just do a public show of it!"

"One more word about that Sorkin and you're fired!" Hammond's face turned beet red in anger. He should just fire the doctor. John knew she held resentment towards him and Henry, it was only a matter of time before she did something that could damage the company. "Give me real results. The only reliable option is Doctor Wu's or we could just leave it down there."

"But sir! Just think of all the money. She could be the dinosaur tamer, like in the circus the lion tamer. People would pay millions to see dinosaurs getting controlled like that! And think of everything we could learn from the Dinosaurs, all we need is a translator. Please Mr. Hammond. Please, think about it."

He did think about it. In fact he thought it was a marvelous idea and if she went rouge, John Hammond did not doubt Robert Muldoon's skill to kill. Maybe, just maybe it will work graciously. Now just to find--. "Who will be her caregiver? She must stay in the building at all times, but I want her to be taught both human and Dinosaur ways. Who can do that?"

Wu started to rack his brain for the ideal person. Someone brave, truthful, caring, smart, loves humans and thinks they are the best, someone who she would be comfortable around, someone that would take her to visit the Dinosaurs. Who was it? Who could possibly fill all those spots out?-- "Mr. Muldoon!!"


"You! You could be the caregiver! I mean she has imprinted on you." And before the hunter could shoot off his opinion, the boss spoke up, his round stomach shaking with excitement. "Of course! You are the perfect man! So Mr. Muldoon I give you the responsibility of subject 586."

Said man stood up to leave. "Where are you going!?" John screeched. At least expecting an answer of neglect not the silent treatment.

"To get her."

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