The Venom Business

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A horde of voices rose and then dropped just as suddenly, especially as a man with a feodora and a ranger outfit appeared. Robert Muldoon, a hunter and John Hammond's second in command at Animal Kingdom. But now he was the head of the parks safety, the game warden, and still a very reliable person. Muldoon was a man to be feared. And he was heading straight for Doctor Henry Wu.

"Doctor Wu! Why would you make a dinosaur like that!" His expression neutral but his accent thickened as his tone raised.

Henry should have expected this. Apart of him knew Muldoon would be here, but the doctor was hoping Robert might put the blame on Hammond first. Now Wu has to put it on Hammond. "Look Mr. Muldoon, I'm just as upset as you."

"The hell ya are."

"No really. Mr. Hammond was the one to ask for the new Raptor. And either way the Dinosaurs keep dying, maybe this new gene will put an end to that." The Chinese American man grew more and more nervous as Muldoon's hand tightened on a beautiful Franchi SPAS-12 gun, just begging to be used. And even though Robert wasn't known as a trigger happy person, Wu knew the man kept two rocket launchers and an emergency bunker locker filled with M16 rifles.

"John? Should have known. You wouldn't do anything unless he pulled yer strings! Now ju--" Robert stopped talking as a small noise alerted the hunter, he turned to the side and finally glimpsed the egg. It was hatching.

Wu was quick to pull the medical bag from the shelf, for he or anyone for that matter, had never given birth to a hybrid. The large egg continued to crack and peeking through was a white sharp tooth. Commonly known as the egg tooth, used by offspring to break and tear through the eggs calcium carbonate inner membrane. The doctor grew more worried that horrible feeling back, preparing for the worst, Wu went over to one of the extra tables and set up the supplies, the dinosaur did come later than sooner, uncommon in reptiles.

Muldoon ignored the doctor and continued to stare, wondering just what they had created. With an egg that big, Muldoon could only guess a Tyrannosaurus Rex, another horrible predator. "What beast did you cook up this time?" Despite the harsh tone, Wu payed no mind, busy setting up and calling for backup.

Turning back, Robert Muldoon was shocked! Which quickly turned to outrage. Horrible vile blind murdering outrage! The man was quick to pull the gun up, pointing it at the back of the doctors head. "What the hell did you do?" His voice cold and full of venom, confusing the doctor to no end. Had he done something wrong?

"I don't know what you mean, but you need to put the gun down."

Crowds of people gathered at the window, shocked. Robert Muldoon pulled a gun out on Doctor Wu! But the most shocking was the hatchling. It. Was. Human.

A newborn! A baby! A child! A human. A human with unnatural features. No ears. No hair. Four fingers and bent toes. And crying, it wouldn't stop crying. Her eyes a golden slit, staring at one thing: Robert Muldoon. The man who was currently cussing out a shocked doctor, the gun now to his side as they continued to fight, ignoring the baby.

Doctor Sorkin's quickly called Mr. Hammond down. She was one to think logically in horrible situations, unless it involves herself, then she will do whatever it takes to get her way. Like now. Telling John Hammond it was all Henry's fault. He experimented on a human. It was sure to get him fired and her the place as top scientist.

John Hammond raced to the hatching area, horrified. Why had Wu done this!? You can't excitement on humans! They would be tossed in jail with a giant law suet. And even worse all his research would be bought by Biosyn, Dogdson, their rival. The man bought and stole others ideas, hunting scientist down and killing for new products, anything to keep his business thriving. Just what would he do with dinosaurs or the ability to alter DNA? Something Hammond never wants to find out.

The white haired male reached the area that was packed with most of his employees. And standing inside was his Doctor and friend, yelling. Muldoon's face was turning redder by the minute as Henrys paled.

Henry Wu was scared, not of the giant terrifying man glaring at him, well maybe a little, but the egg was a human child. A human! Why? What had Hammond done? No. What had Michael done? After John had calmed them down, he took them to a conference room along with Dr. Sorkin and the baby. Dismissing all the employees, wary of them, but comforted knowing they signed an NDA, a Non Disclosure Agreement. If the employee is found suspected or breaching the NDA. InGen will terminate the relationship with extreme prejudice. The company will disable any known legde on the person. The boss will also withhold any money due, and may confiscate valuable personal possessions. And the personnel may also be held accountable in a court of law for damages both financial and emotional arising even indirectly from the trespass. So Mr. Hammond found the signed parchment very comforting.

Everyone sat around a silver table, Hammond at the head, standing. "Okay. I want answers. Dr. Wu, why did you invent that!"

"I did no such thing! Micheal McCoy created that thing after you gave him the amber mosquito! And who ever told you that was me is lying! I had nothing absolutely nothing to do with that egg!" The Chinese male sent a glare his rivals way. Of course she would do something like this!

The child continued to scream, it got more animalistic as the cries continued.

"Fine! I want Micheal fired and sued! And Dr. Sorkin...shut up!" She stood up, willing to fight, but Hammond wasn't done. "And Mr. Muldoon! Take the damn baby!"

"No! I don't" The crying instantly ceased. The hunter himself had never held a child before, sure a dead baby cub, but never alive and...human.

The boss turned to the doctors giving them a harsh talk. Muldoon heard none of it, to busy gazing at the child. Her light sniffles ceased as she rested her head on his shoulder, snuggling into his neck. He was frozen as he held her. Why did she want him....It wasn't his DNA they used and stole...was it?

Wu was thankful that the child was done, but he was far from done himself. "Sir, do you know what this means?... We have a homosapien! A caveman! Our ancestor! That means humans did live with dinosaurs! Or the ice age! This is the ultimate discovery! Cavemen were real! We have to tell everyone--"

"No!" John said. "If what you're saying is true then we can't tell anyone. The government doesn't know of what we do on this park. No one does! If we showed them this human hybrid! The world will put a bad picture in InGen! Experiementing on our ancestors! Creating weapons, humans that can kill as fast as the eye can blink. Don't you see! Its just not safe! For anyone." By the time Hammond was done, he was sitting in the white chairs, holding a handkerchief to his forehead. Tired and drained.

Sorkin stood up, eyes blazing. "You would dare! This is a discovery meant to be shared! You can't hole this up like some crazy ass hermet--!"

"Enough! May I remind you doctor Sorkin just who the boss is! Me! I am not letting anyone know about this! We will have it killed-"

"What!? You can't do that! You bastard! It needs to be shown! I will tell everyone!"

"With what proof!" Hammond screamed, eyes shaking. No one had ever seen the man get so angry. He was always a calm nice man, only when he didn't get his way that is. Me. Hammond was one to kick and scream, throwing a fuss, but never acting in it, till now.

"With that!" She yelled, pointing at the hybrid, eyes crazed. Suddenly all the anger drained from everyone, noticing what they said, what they did, and just what was in front of them.

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