Chapter 5

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(Flair's POV)
Mal wanted to go shopping with me. Something wasn't right. Mal HATES shopping. But I need some new clothes so I went. I only went TM for and two hours. I could see Mal hating it. "Evie is in my room. Isn't she" "yea" She said. "I knew it. But I did want to go shopping. OK, let me pay for these and we can go" I said. "FINALLY" She said in relief. I payed for my clothes. We head outside and we had the limo driver there because Mal is like queen or future queen or something. We finally got back. Mal and I headed to Mal's dorm. "So, that was fun." I said. "For u it was. I hate shopping. U should know that" Mal said.

"Well, Ima go now. Dont wanna make u Suffer, by being here." "I guess. Bye" Mal said. I left the room. Then I was in front of my dorm room. I saw Wenda coming. So maybe Evie wasn't in the room. I went in and Evie was looking through the book. I ran to her and try to get the book. But she moved her arm. "Y are u so nosy. Give it back." I said. Then Wenda came in. "Oh good, u finally got the book" Wenda said. I looked at her mad. My hair was about to burst into flames. "These are awesome Flair. Y wouldn't u wanna show me this. And I love fashion. And I do my own designs. So I would know what's good or not. " Evie said.

          I was calming down. "IM MAD CUZ U WENT THROUGH MY STUFF. ESPECIALLY WITHOUT ASKING." I yelled. "Sorry, actually no. I'm glad I saw this. " Evie said. "Let me see" Wenda said. Wenda sat next to Evie. Then she showed her. "Wow, these are so good. Awesome, amazing. Why wouldn't u wanna show us this." Wenda said. I went to them and snatched my book out their hands. "U can leave now Evie." I said. " U should help me with my business. Or u could make ur own business. Idc, as long as u have ur ides, and ur clothing out in the world." She said. "Nah, I'm good. If I were to make them, it just be for me." I said.

         "No. U can make money u know. And how bad would u want to go shopping if u had a lot of money." "So bad." I said. "Well, let's make a business for u, or if u just wanna split it in half if u help me." Evie asked. "Idk, u can choose either one." I said. I put the book in the box. "U know what, how bout we take turns by days. So three days u work, three days I work, and Sunday we have day offs." Evie said. "Yea, I like that idea." I said. "OK, fine. I'll do it." I said. Evie started to jump up and down. "Calm down Evie." I said. I put the key in the book. Then I realized one is missing. Evie left. I know she took a key. I ran out and started chasing her. "EVIE!! GIVE ME BACK THAT KEY!! ITS MINE!!!!!!" I yelled.

          She was just laughing. She got to her dorm. Since she was ahead of me, like way ahead, she got in and closed it in time. I was banging on the door. "I already saw it so what's the problem!!" "The problem is that I still sketch in it, and I have to prevent u from seeing those!!!" I said. I kept banging on the door. It was getting late and I can't be there all night. I left. I decided to hide the box somewhere else. I knew exactly where I would hide my book. I can't hide my box. But I am just gonna put my book in my locker. I rarely even go in my locker anymore. And Evie can't get through my lock combination. I left and made sire no one saw me, because there is a curfew. I eventually made it to my locker. I did it nice and quick, I put the book in. I closed my locker. Then I saw a guard. "HEY U THERE!! COME HERE!!" He yelled. I ran awlate

        I made it to my dorm in time. "Why were u out so late" Wenda asked. "No reason" I replied. "Well, I'm tired so ima go to sleep" I said. "Ok, well good night" Wenda said. I laid in my bed. Then I started to think about Carlos. I wondered how I can catch him. Thinking about it for a while, an idea popped up. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep. The Next Day There was only two more days to cotillion.  (This might be inaccurate but let me write, plz. But if it is one or more than comment and I'll change it.) So I decided to go on with my plan. I told Wenda my plan. She was going to help with it. I told the most helpful people, which is technically my closest friends.

           I was closer to Evie, but there is no hard job in this. I started to look for Carlos. I saw him talking to Jane. "Ugh". I Walked twords Jane and Carlos. "Hey baby" I told Carlos. "Can I talk to u" I asked Carlos. "Um, yeah sure." he said. I took his arm and took him away from Jane. I looked back at him and saw him looking at Jane leave. "So I got to go to a modeling interview. And that means I won't be here for cotillion. " "ok, what does that have to do with me" Carlos asked. "I dont want u to be anyone's cotillion. U never know what might happen" I said. "Dont worry. Ur my one and only, I only love u. And no one else. I promise I won't be anyone's date to cotillion. " Carlos said. I saw him put his hand behind his back when he said promise. So obviously he was lying.

          "Well, I gotta go and pack. So bye baby" I said and kissed him. I walked away. I was scared of how this was going to turn out. I went to my dorm. "Ok Wenda, I already told Carlos." "Great. What did he say" Wenda asked. "He said he lived no one else and I was his one and only. He also promised he would be no ones date to cotillion. Then he put his hand behind his back" I told Wenda. "He put his hand behind his back. Dang, what a jerk. That means he's lying" Wenda said. "Ik, what a jerk. Well I have to spy on him. And that is probably going to be hard" I said. "Well, if ur doing it, u won't get caught. If it was me, I would get caught. " Wenda said. "Well, I think Carlos will see me eventually." "Let's hope u can catch him soon" She said. "Well we need to stop talking about it. I need to go and spy on him." I said.

        "U would be good and stalking people" Wenda said. I laughed and left the room. I saw Carlos walking around with dude. Then he stopped and started staring at someone. He was staring at Jane. "Topical" I said. I hid behind a bush. I looked at Carlos, and he started walking away. If Carlos were to ask Jane to cotillion, I hope Jane doesn't say yes. Cuz it would make me plenty mad. He just kept walking around with dude. I wasn't going to watch him walk around all day so I went to my dorm for a while. "Gosh, its like he doesn't have a life. He just kept walking around with dude" I told Wenda. "A lot of boys dont have a life. Until sports come up" Wenda said. "Ha. Well ima chill in here for a while" I said.

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