Chapter 2

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"Wake up Jamie !" my mum yelled for the thousandth time.

I can't believe summer is over. It went by so fast even if I was doing nothing. Literally nothing at all. Every day, I was doing the same thing. I was waking up, taking a shower and then writing for the rest of the day. I can't really say that I'm a writer because my stuff isn't really good, but it's my escape. I put my feelings into songs but I never show them to anyone.

I just can't. I have no friend, but it's kind of a choice. I can't trust anyone. In our society, people only care for themselves. If they care for you, then that means they want something from you. I learned it as I grew up. Pessimistic you'd say? No, realistic. I live for myself and I am absolutely happy with that.

I just moved here in Washington 4 months ago. I lived in London for 16 years which is pretty much all my life. I hate it here. Everything is so... American, I guess I had to leave, it wasn't really a choice.

I'm starting today in a new school. I'm not really anxious about it. To be honest, I don't really care. Typical teenagers care too much about those kind of things. "What am I going to wear? Am I going to make friends?" Those things are useless. I once cared about what people were thinking of me. But then, I realized that it was stupid.

I live for myself, and nobody else.


Be patient, the story will start soon !

- Aly x

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