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Ok, deep breath, let's get this started. Hello world this is as you have probably noticed my first story/fan fiction (the awkwardness is very evident) so this particular story is about pokeshipping the, as I believe the most amazing pair of Misty Waterflower and Ash Ketchum. If you think I should fix anything tell me you can also find me on twitter @mistyketchum123 ok intro over let's try not to be terrible


Name: Misty Waterflower
Age: recently 18
Occupation: Water type Gym Leader
Hometown: Cerulean City, Kanto

8 YEARS, 8 WHOLE YEARS!!! Misty thought about it. "Ash" she whispered aloud thinking of the boy she used to love, and how they promised to keep in touch.
"You lied" she said a little bit louder. Misty filled with rage threw what she had in her hands into her gym's pool, it was a red and white hat with a small green slanted "L" on it, but this wasn't her hat it was Ash's hat, a gift he gave her to remember him by.

Misty stood up she couldn't leave the hat in the pool. She jumped in a and swam to the bottom she picked up the hat and brought it back up to the surface. "How could you do this Ash?" She asked to no one as she heaved her toned body out of the pool. Suddenly her little Corosola came running through the door followed by Gary Oak son of the world renowned Pokémon professor.

"What's up, Mist" Gary casually said as he walked through the door to the pool with his usual confidence. He saw Misty holding the hat and he frowned.

"Still thinking about Ashy-boy are you Mist, I have no idea why you like him" he said with just enough of attitude for Misty to pick up.

"Gar-bear" Misty responded "you just wouldn't understand he lied... no betrayed me.

Mist you know I hate it when you call me Gar-bear" Gary said with a whine and Whell your "betrayer" came to see you."

What?!?! Misty almost shouted she looked up at her friend his cocky pose made him seem like he was lying but his face was 100% serious.

Misty was internally having a break down, but on the outside she was calm and collected.

"Ashy-boy you can come in" Gary called. In strolled Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Master, he looked so different he didn't have that stupid look in his eye but rather sharp glinting eyes . Ash was toned and muscular now not some wimp a Pichu could beat up. His dark hair still messy with a different hat. "Misty" Ash tried to say,but was cut off immediately by Misty getting up and walking out the door, leaving his hat behind


Name: Ash Ketchum
Age: 18
Occupation: Pokémon Master
Hometown: Pallet Town, Kanto

Ash felt two emotion one was being nervous while the other was guilt. Ash knew Misty, or at least he once knew her. Ash, after becoming a Pokémon Master knew he had to visit the only girl he ever clicked with, bonded with, and had feelings for. Don't get me wrong Ash thought May through Serena were great but they never quite fit Misty's shoes. The sassy rebel redhead was the girl Ash had dreams about. Ash often questioned why he left Misty after Johto, he used to think that it was to help her dream of becoming a water Pokémon master come true,but he soon realized it was because he was running away from his feelings for her. Soon after Ash met up with Gary to see Misty. As he walked into the gym Ash's jaw nearly dropped. Misty was not a child anymore her brilliant turquoise eyes were as fierce as ever but she grew taller was skinnier and grew her hair all the way down to her hips. "Misty" he tries to say but she had already was leaving. Then he saw it that hat his old hat the one he gave Misty when he promised he would call and visit.

So yeah that I guess that was Chapter One I'm sorry it sucked :/ well I hope it will get better :)

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