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Oh ok guys so I made a mistake when I was uploading chapters so the new chapter is actually before my sick note sorry

So are you done reading it.....ok here we go :)


Serena's Meowstic was instantly K.O.ed.

Serena was astounded.

"Are you going to for-fit?" Misty asked

Power was surging through Misty's body power but also revenge. All of the "special" moments Serena and Ash had had when they were children were crumbling to an end because of this battle because of her but she didn't even care all of her jealously was finally coming out all of her anger at this girl for taking Ash away and claiming that they had a "relationship" was flowing out through this battle....and it felt glorious.

Serena sent out a Jolteon. "Finally something that could do damage she thought

Misty payed little attention to the Pokemon said "Gyrados I say we give her a chance return, I choose you Gastrodon!"

Everyone even Ash was surprised he never knew she could mega evolve let alone handle a Pokemon that looked like a slug.

"Use thunder" Serena shouted not knowing that the pink sea-slug looking Pokemon in front of her was a ground type.

Misty let the Pokemon get hit by thunder. The Gastrodon looked happy even after being hit and started spinning around with joy

"How...." Serena asked "it's a water type....."

"AND A GROUND TYPE!!!" Ash yelled with glee from the sidelines

"Gastrodon use Earthquake!" Misty yelled the Pokemon did what it was told and another one of Serena's pokemon went down.

"Had enough yet?" Misty asked

Serena growled "let's go Absol" she yelled "MEGA EVOLVE THEN USE SUCKER PUNCH!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. A white dog like creature with what looked like a horn on the side of its head popped out of the Pokéball and mega evolved into a magestic beast with wings

Misty was startled by the girls outburst smiled

"Finally trying I see"

"Gastrodon you can take the hit then use water pulse"

A dark aura flew at Gastrodon right before an orb of water shot at Absol after the water faded the Pokemon was obviously confused and walked around in circles before falling to the ground.

"Have you been EV training?" Misty asked

Serena was giving up up let's go Clefairy! She said throwing her Pokéball

A chubby pink creature resembling a Gengar came out of the ball.

"A fairy type, interesting" Misty said with a smirk "Gastrodon come back and Tentacruel I choose you" she said kissing the Pokéball

"Use sludge bomb" Misty said to the giant jellyfish like pokemon not letting Serena talk

"It's super effective!" Ash yelled

The Clefairy soon fainted

"It's your last Pokemon Serena" Misty said

Serena sent out an Altaria which was quickly KO'ed by an ice beam

"Thank you guys so much" Misty yelled hugging her Pokemon

"I'm sorry Serena but you and Ash, your just not meant to be."Misty said her gym leader kindness taking over

"Hm I guess not " she said "but what did you say about Clemont before?"

"Oh you'll find out soon enough" Misty said with a wink

After Serena left Ash hugged Misty so tight "thank you" was all he said


Remember I think Serena is pretty cool but Serena and Ash = NO

See y'all


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