Chapter 4

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Naruto woke up at 6:00am on a brown couch. When he sat up he looked around.

Naruto: Wait...where am I?

The house was simple but nice. The walls were painted peach, there were two brown leather couches, one facing the TV and the other facing the side. The TV was a nice flat screen sitting on a wooden stand. As Naruto was observing the place, Dave came out wearing a white dress shirt and black dress pants.(what he wears to work)  Then all the memories of last night happened, how he kissed Hinata, how she told him to leave, and how he came to Dave's house last night. He face palmed himself.

Dave: Hey, so what happened with that other chick? I thought you had a thing for her.

Naruto: Hehe, she kicked me out actually.

Dave: I won't ask go to my room, it's the first door down the hall. Go get ready, today you pay for your stay.

Dave grinned evilly while Naruto just rolled his eyes and went to Dave's room. After five minutes, the blond came out with a white shirt with a red flannel over it, and faded blue jeans with old black Adidas.

Naruto and Dave rode to the restaurant in his BMW. After they got there, Naruto got to eat some ramen for breakfast.

Dave: Now, you should know that you should take this very seriously. You might be my buddy, but I have a business to run. You play guitar?

Naruto: Yeah and I sing too, don't worry, I got this in the bag.

Dave stared at Naruto looking for reassurance, and he got it.

Dave: Right now it's....7:12am get on stage at 12:00pm. For now just clean up the tables for a bro, ok?

Naruto: Yeah, alright.


Hinata woke up at 8:00am she couldn't sleep well after what happened. When she was rethinking everything, she heard a knock on the door. She got up and saw that Naruto actually left. She felt sad a bit but shook it off, she didn't want to see him at the moment. She opened the door and saw her boyfriend.

Kiba: Look, I'm sorry about yester-

Hinata: What do you want Kiba?

Kiba: ...I just want to say sorry, can we talk please?

Hinata: When you ask to talk, you do know we never talk about it right? You always end up making out with me and make me weak in the knees but we never talk. Why do I even bother dating you if you never listened? You don't even know me as well as everyone else! Do you even know what my favorite color is?

Kiba stood there shocked hearing his girlfriend blow up on him. But he didn't want to lose her.


She shook her head very slowly, full of disappointment. She couldn't believe that he couldn't answer the simplest question about her.

Hinata: Kiba...I'm going to say this straight out, Naruto kissed me last night. And I felt better than when you kissed me for some reason. He told me he loved me and he looked me in the eye when he said that. You don't look me in the eye, you stare at my think I didn't notice? Of course I did! And you know what? I'm sick of it, we're done, Kiba!

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