Frens Again

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    Pidge ran around the castle for what seemed like ten minutes until she finally found Resumi in one of the many guest rooms. This room was completely different from what the paladins had. It had a bed that looked to be queen size and two side tables on either side. What made this room even better, was that it had an actual window with a balcony. You could see the beautiful landscape of the planet they were currently on. The bed had pastel yellow sheets. And right at the foot of the bed, sitting on the floor was Resumi.  She was staring at the wall; looking almost emotionless. 

    "R-Resumi? Are you okay?" Pidge slowly tried to approach her. She sat down a few feet away from her and attempted to look at her. 

    "...Pidge?" Resumi looked at Pidge and gave her a soft smile. "I'm okay, don't worry."Her eyes were red and puffy; the beautiful violet color had been drained and her eyes only appeared grey and dull. 

    "Are you sure? You can trust me, Resumi. I know what Keith said was really out of place. Specially with you trying to provide us with information and all. He's always like this though. He acts before he knows what he's even doing. I wouldn't blame you if you were upset. Are you upset? I'll make him apologize. Do you want me to do that? I could do that if you want. I could even ask Shiro and Allura to  punish-"

    "Pidge." Resumi placed her hand on Pidge's shoulder. She had been rambling so much she didn't even notice Resumi had moved closer to her. "It's okay. I understand how Keith must be feeling. Our circumstances may be different, but I can understand his frustration. I appreciate your concern though. Thank you." She offered another warm smile and Pidge just couldn't help but smile in return. 

    There it was. The beautiful violet she longed for. Resumi's eyes were once again bright and beautiful. "My God, you're so beautiful."

    "Hmm?" Resumi blinked. Pidge froze. Shitshitshitshit.

    "You think I'm beautiful?" Resumi asked as innocently as anyone could ever ask. 

    "Um, no? I mean, yea! I think you are very pretty but i don't think it like that like I don't think you're so pretty that I could kiss you or anything I just think that as my friend you have very nice features that I felt the need to say that to you..."

    Resumi giggled and gave the most brightest smile. "Pidge? I think you have very nice features too, and as your friend, I feel the need to tell you that you are a beautiful person. Thank you for the compliment." 

    Pidge just blushed and looked down at her shoes. "Y-Yea, no problem."


    For the next hour Pidge and Resumi just sat on the floor and talked. They talked about Earth and what they remembered of their families. She told her of the bond she had with her lion and how she learned that we are all more connected to nature than we think. Pidge told Resumi about how she was the first one to know that Keith and Lance liked each other and one time she caught them making out and how that was the most disgusted she had ever felt in her entire life. She told her about how well Allura and Shiro got along and that they basically acted like their parents.

    "I personally refer to them as Space Mom and Space Dad."

    "Haha, seems fitting."

    She also told Resumi about the video game Lance and her had purchased but didn't get to play because there was no way to connect it anywhere in the castle. She told her of the many battles they have fought and how forming Voltron is the most amazing thing she's ever done. 

    "All of the lions are so beautifully engineered. King Alfor was a true genius! All of the parts fit so well together, that it gives Voltron an even more magical effect. Trust me, when you see Voltron form, it'll be the single most amazing thing you'll ever see in your entire life!"

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