Great Galra Uncle

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    As the weeks went by, Resumi had learned to defend herself. She got used to the weird food goo, and she spent most of her time assisting Allura, Coran, and the paladins around the castle.
    She usually spent more time with Pidge though. She really wanted to find out the rest of the story behind the Galra; she wanted to learn about the Blade of Marmora and see if she would be able to find her grandmother's brother- if  he was still alive. 

    For a long time, they talked with Kolivan, but weren't able to find anyone who had left a family member on Earth by the name of Aris.
    Finally though, someone came up. A member known as Axel finally appeared. He was arranged to meet with Resumi today. She felt nervous. The moment she had been hoping for was about to happen, but she couldn't help but feel scared.
    How would she explain to him all of the things that had happened to her? How would she say that she had no clue where his sister or his niece were? How would he react to her?


    Resumi paced around her room waiting for Axel's arrival. Slightly annoying her best friend who was working on something on her laptop. 

    "What should I say? Does he even know why he is being sent here? He doesn't even know I exist! How do you think he'll react when I tell him I have no idea were my grandma or my mom are? What will he think of me when he finds out I used to be a mere servant? What if-"

    "Resumi." Pidge stood up and placed her hands on Resumi's shoulders.

    "Don't worry about it okay? None of what happened is your fault. I honestly doubt anything bad is going to happen. There's really no reason for him to be mad at you. If anything, you should be excited. Think about it: you're going to meet your great uncle. He fights for the good of the universe and has been strong enough to live through all of these battles. Now, you are going to meet him? Isn't it like the coolest thing ever to have a defender of the universe as your family member? You should feel very proud!"

    Pidge gave a bright smile as she gave Resumi a hug. "Everything is going to be okay, Resumi. I promise." Resumi smiled and hugged her back. "Thank you, Pigeon. I feel much better."



    Resumi impatiently taped her foot on the living room (?) floor. He should be here soon. Pidge and the rest of the team joined her. 

    "Are you excited, Resumi?" Lance asks.

    "Y-Yea! Just a little nervous, I guess." she smiles. 

    "Well, shake those nerves off, because he's here!" Allura basically squealed.

    Before she could even wink, the doors swoosh open and there he was. Tall, firm and in his armor. He kind of looked like Kolivan himself, but he had a thinner face, big, round eyes like hers (and her grandma...and her mom). Kolivan stood next to him. They both bowed down for the princess.

    "Thank you for allowing me to visit the Castle of Lions, Princess. It's an honor to finally meet you and the Paladins of Voltron."

    Resumi stood still. His voice was so deep but...gentle? This was him. Her Great Galra Uncle.

     "I was told that you had some information about my younger sister? If it's not too much to ask I'd like to know as soon as possible. Is she okay?"

    "Actually, we don't know where she is... but we have someone here who is related to her."

    He scans the people in the room and notices wide, fearful, violet eyes staring at him.
    He steps closer to her. Resumi stiffens. Pidge places her hand on her shoulder making her relax.
    He kneels down to match her height."A-Are you Aris' daughter?"
    "U-Um I- I'm-"
    Everyone let out a small laugh. Pidge spoke up for her.
    "What Resumi here is trying to say is that, no, she isn't Aris' daughter. She is  actually her granddaughter."
    Axel's eyes widen.
  For a moment Resumi can't tell wether this is good or bad news for him. He blinks, and then

    A smile. A big friendly smile and a few tears here and there. He takes her hand in his, looks into her glowing eyes and says, "This is wonderful news! Who would have thought that the day that I could say I had a great-grandaughter would ever arrive?"
    Resumi couldn't believe what she had heard. She had found a part of her family again! She had found her Great Galra Uncle!!
    She couldn't contain her excitment any longer. She jumped and hugged Axel, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm so glad I could find you, uncle Axel! We can both help each other find my grandma and my mom and dad! We'll be a happy family!"
   "Ha, yes, we will be."
   "aWE THIS IS TOO CUTE" Lance squealed as he placed his hands together next to his cheek.
    "Group hug!"

  Hello. Yea, sorry this chapter is even more crap and so bloody late. School and depression happened. :/ But yea, here's this little chapter. Sorry for how bs it is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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