Broken Home:

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My name is Elsie, i am 16 years of age, a school dropout and - to say the least - i've had a patchy start in life.
In it's simplest form, my dad was violent and a drunk 24/7 which lead my mum into having an affair with the local drug dealer which lead me to where i am today - living on the couch of my best friend's family home.

Enough about me, for the time being.

"Elsie, come on, get ready in the clothes i gave you and lets go" Alice has booked me a ticket to go see this band called 'The Tide' know who they are? Me neither.

I shove on the clothes and she finishes off my hair and makeup before we set off to the venue in Sheffield. Having a light conversation flickering in and out.

"Explain to me - who are these people?"

" 'these people' are 4 guys from America who got signed to The Vamps a year back and they're starting to tour on their own now with a smaller band named New Hope Club - and may i add, Reece is the best looking in my opinion, but yeah, that's pretty much it"

The Vamps? New Hope Club? All these names mean nothing to me as things are now.

Little do i know.

We arrive at the venue and the long, long, long, 6 hour wait begins.

We start talking to the girls sat beside us and i learn that one of them is a friend of a friend of Blake's sister which i find quite cool. The girls also had 6 VIP tickets but 2 of their friends cancelled last minute and offered to give them to us for free for keeping them company and entertained. Fandoms are all so lovely to each other - hopefully one day i can be addicted to concerts and not addicted to drugs and alcohol like my parents.

*4.5 Hours Later*

"VIP OVER HERE, GA OVER THERE" a broad, bald headed security man (i presume) shouts to us all. I know nothing about concerts if you can't tell..

We line us and get numbers written on our hands as verification of place. "5" and "6" were written down and we got the opportunity to be the first ones in.

As we walk in i begin to get a stomach feeling of nerves.

Learn their names. Learn their names. Learn there names. Blake? No no, thats Reece. George and Blake yes, thats it. Oh and The Tide - Nate, Drew, Luke? No, Levi! And who is he? Austin! Austin!

Here goes nothing i guess

Broken Promises ; Blake RichardsonWhere stories live. Discover now