Where are we? :

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I wake up from the darkness to see that everyone else is asleep - including Joe. I look out the window to what I thought would be Alice's house but we were on a motorway. We're far from home. I have no money on me, no clothes with me and i only know 1 person on this bus of strangers.

I begin the panic and wake Blake. I explain to him that we're on a motorway and i'm not at home. He leaps up and runs to speak to the driver.

He stumbles down the walkway with his hand on his head.

"We're 3 hours from home and he won't go back because it will make us miss the show" i sink into the crevice of the sofa. My hands fly up to cover my face as the tears fall. I feel alone, in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar places.

"I have nothing but £2 in my pocket, a phone and the clothes i'm in. I can't wear this until i get home whenever that will be and i'm pretty sure £2 wont buy me enough outfits" i ramble on.

"On the plus side, i get to spend more time with you and you can tour with us, free entry, i'll take you shopping to buy you enough outfits to last us this entire tour and you can be my plus one?" He throws every word towards me as i'm taking back in surprise. I barely know him and he has offered me free concerts tickets and a tonne of new clothes. How did i end up here? With someone so perfect?

"If i agree, can you actually introduce me to everyone so i don't feel like an outsider?"

"Of course i will" he leans in once again. I close my eyes. His hot breath grazing my cheeks.

"ARE WE THERE YET BLAKE?" Reece shouts. crying out loud to the lord above. Every. Single. Time. We are interrupted by someone. Why?

"NO! Now get back to sleep moron" Blake retaliates.  "Come on, i'm make us some lunch" he leads me over to the kitchen area.

Broken Promises ; Blake RichardsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang