A few?! :

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My gaze falls upon the road as i'm sat huddled in the corner of the sofa with my knees to my chest and my chin on my knees.

"Do you need anything from the services my lovely?" Reece questions. I can't open my mouth to reply. I'm frozen. I can't blink, i can't speak, i can't move. There's no life left in me. Why am i like this? What is the source of this mess?. I can sense that he has left me in the silence. Nothing but my thoughts screaming inside my head like a massacre.

Reece comes back in with a cup of hot water with stirred honey in it. "This'll help with the anxiety, if you need anything from a hug to a glass of water, don't be afraid to ask me" he half smiles, trying to find an expression on my face.

"Thankyou" my voice cracks into a shallow whisper.

Blake follows in as Reece sits down opposite me. Blake doesn't say a word as he sits beside me. My head falls upon his shoulder and he rests his head against mine. The cup sat on my knee - warming my hands. I can feel the heat run through my skin. It's soothing.

4 hours later:
I stir awake as i feel the presence of someone shaking my shoulder lightly.
"We're here Elsie, at the arena. Just as a warning - there are quite a few fans outside waiting for us" what does Blake mean by quite a few? Like 10, 15, 50? Anything could be quite a few to him. "I'll be with you, just follow the lead of Joe and you will be okay" he can sense my fear and worry. I need to cover my head so they don't notice what i look like. I can't handle more rumours. I nod unwillingly. This is it. My first arena concert and i'm one of those 'access all areas' people.

"Ready to make the walk?" I nod again. "Me and the boys will go speak to some of the fans, do you want to stick my Joe? I've spoken to him and he said he will protect you from anything"

"Okay. Can i borrow your bomber as you get out to cover my head?"

"Of course"

We each step out - Joe, George, Reece, Blake then i. He steps off the bus, takes off his jacket and hands it to me.

I lightly jog to catch up to Joe. "This is more than a few! Blake made it sound like there was 10. There is like 70" i try to hide the nerves.
"You'll get used to it Elsie, don't worry" he smiles and leads me into the towering building. I can hear the questions. "Who is she?" "What is she doing on the tour bus?" "Why is she near the boys?" "Is that Blake's T-Shirt and bomber?" shit. These girls are good. Fangirls aren't all they seem. They're more than a scream in the crowd.

Everything becomes silent after the large doors close. "Joe?" My voice trembles. He replies with a hum.
"What if they figure it out, about me and Blake? I mean, they figured i was wearing Blake's clothes"
"I don't want to alarm you but you're now going to be torn to shreds" every inch of my face drains from colour. "I'm joking! There'll be a few suspicions but as long you we stay on the down low - you'll be fine and they'll die down. Like i promised Blake, i'll protect you"

Broken Promises ; Blake RichardsonWhere stories live. Discover now