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      A word that is so little, yet can mean so much. You feel pain when you're sad, angry, depressed, loved, and yes, even happy. No matter what situation you feel pain, it's all the same feeling. I imagine, that you can connect with people better when you're in pain, because you feel the same pain. This is why I try not to stop myself from this pain  because I need to connect with what's real. I don't want to slip away, I don't want to snap, like I did years and years ago.

      I feel myself spiritually reaching out to everyone I pass in the hallways of my highschool. They feel pain also. I know that there are people banging lockers, yelling, screaming, laughing, and crying. I know that people are patting my back, trying to chat with me, trying to bug me, annoy me, enlighten me. Whatever. I've excelled in hearing only myself, and the sound of my own voice and the beating of my heart.

Bum bum Bum bum Bum bum

Over and over

Bum bum Bum bum Bum bum

      Nothing has ever made me snap out of my own head, not even my aunts and uncles and not even my loud and squeaky cousins. But this one person surprised me immensely. I, for once, stopped and stared at this one beautiful boy. His arms were crossed, and he was leaning against a locker behind him. The light that shone in his blonde and snowy hair, made it look almost white. The white and pale skin that was gently laid under every perfect feature, made an uncanny resemblance to a doll. His eyes. . .

oh god his eyes 

      They're so bright, and shone proudly through everything problem, and they weren't locked like mine were, they were like open arms. So inviting. Like a mother opening her arms, inviting a young child into a warm hug.

      He looks a lot like a female. His body was curvy, and his legs looked smooth. I didn't even see the people surrounding him, they were merely background creatures. Nothing in our love story.

But it was one thing I noticed straight away.

I didn't connect with him. He wasn't feeling any pain. I reach out for him, but he didn't acknowledge me. He has to!

      So I was quick to push my way through everyone, even knocking down someone, but I didn't care, I was getting closer. I stopped when I was right in front of him. A bubbly feelings went through my chest, and my body held tingles that showed I was numb when he looked at me with those eyes.

"Hey, I'm Ciel Phantomhive, and I didn't recognize you. Are you new?"

"Yes I am. I'm Alois Trancy."

"Alois. . ." I repeated. His voice was sweet, and high pitched. Not as high as my cousin, Elizabeth, and it for sure wasn't poison to my ears. His voice was perfect for him. His name rolled off my tongue so smoothly, like butter.

      I was snapped from my thoughts when an annoying sounding voice filled the little circle.

"Yeah! Actually, me and Alois are both new!"

      I look at the person. He had brown hair and seemed to scream almost everything. Ignorant bastard, he addressed my precious Alois-sama after him, declaring him higher than Alois.

"Um acutally, it's Alois and I."

"Excuse me?"

"Address Alois first before yourself."

". . . ." he blushed in embarrassment.


      The bell rang, and Alois grabbed his bag from the floor, and stood up straight. Oh. . . He's taller than me. That doesn't matter there's more of him to love. He slings the bag over his shoulder, "See you at lunch," he chirps, before trotting off to his class with the brunette.

I stand there until the hallways are clear, which took a couple minutes, and I sneak over to the class Alois was in. He was sitting in the front row, with his head resting on his hand, as he chewed on the eraser on his pencil. Oh god.

I took out my camera I got from joining the yearbook club, and snap a photo.

It was perfect.

      Alois' eyes were open and staring forward, and the eraser fit perfectly in his white teeth, and the way his bubblegum colored lips were opened a little, and his lips looked more full. I was admiring the photo for too long, and I noticed a certain boy watching me. I quickly stand up and run to my locker, hoping the boy didn't care about what I was doing.


751 words.

Nobody Else! [Cielois AloisxYandere!Ciel]Where stories live. Discover now