Tomsworld AU

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Sorry, but I LOVE this AU. rainy-faggot is the owner of this AU. I don't own AU. I only own the book name, the user name I'm under, and the computer I am writing this on.


"Jehovah's Witness!"

"Edd! Matt! Stop this right now!"

Tom stood between the tall ginger and the short brunette. He had heard them fight for the fifth time today. He was tired of it. He only wanted to drink his cola and pet his cat. He only wanted to sit down and relax. He couldn't. He had to take care of two grown ass men as if they were children.

"If you two fight ONE more time, I will make you wear the Get Along shirt." he threatened, his voice raising until it was a yell.

 Edd and Matt stopped. Tord saw all of this. He worried for his friend. Tom was stressing over his two other friends. He silently hoped his friends would give Tom less stress. Stress made Tom look tired. Tord thought that next to himself, Tom was the most attractive. He liked Tom's unique eyes and upward raising hair. He thought Tom was pure perfection. 

Stress and Perfection don't go together. 

Tord wanted Tom to be happy. He loved Tom more than himself! He would do anything for Tom's heart. He'd watch Matt's hentai. He'd listen to Edd's drunken slurs. He'd break every single one of his mirrors to get the guy he wanted. All he ever wanted in his life was to wake up one morning with Tom next to him. He dreamed of that, but he knew dreams weren't real.

The same day Tom broke up the fight, he fell on the couch and took a nap, trying to relieve himself of stress. He got nothing to keep him asleep, for he was tired enough to just fall asleep as soon as his head made contact with the couch. Edd and Matt stayed quiet. Tord was watching the blue clad male sleep, for he had the biggest urge to just kiss him. Matt went to watch his hentai, Edd went to drink away the day. Tord and Tom were left alone downstairs, one asleep and one watching. Tord saw he and his little blueberry, as Tord had called him, were alone. Tord, although he wasn't smart, knew he had to take a small chance and just kiss Tom. Tord sat closer to the couch, and looked at Tom one more time. He saw small bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. Tord stopped looking, took a deep breath in, and leaned in. He kissed Tom. His eyes were closed, his right hand on the left side of Tom's face. Tom woke up, only to be shocked as to why he had awoken. He saw the vain, narcissistic Norwegian, who's hair stood up as if they were devil horns, kissing him. His voids widened, for he hadn't known Tord liked him this way. Tord opened his eyes to see what happened during the short time he had pressed his lips onto Tom's surprisingly soft ones. Tord saw the black voids that served as Tom's eyes opened wide. Tord pulled away. 

"Sorry, Tom! I-I didn't realize you were-"

"Shush." Tom said.

They stared at each other. The vain Norwegian stared at the cola drinking Brit. Their eyes were locked into each other as if daring them to say something. Without warning, Tom jumped off of the couch. He hugged the Norwegian and kissed his face many times. 

"I," he said after ten kisses.

"Love," he said after eight more.

"YOU!" he said after two more. He then kissed Tord on the lips, causing the narcissistic man's eyes to widen. He didn't complain, he kissed back. 

While this happened, their roommates watched.

"Why don't we act like that?" asked Matt, curious.

"I hate you too much, Commie." Edd responded.

Matt stared at a wall. He needed better friends.

Roses are red

Matt's got a small dick-ley

Oh holy shit

that escalated quickly.

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